Just Hanging Out

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Date: 2-18-17

Chapter 16: Just Hanging Out

Mason's a blur as he sprints through the woods in search of Lucas. He hears his brother yelling in rage, flooding his now oversensitive ears. Mason's eyes burn, which is a strange sensation. His palms itch as he gets closer to Lucas.

Mason is ready to jump whoever it is that's attacking his family. He stumbles a step when he realizes that he never thought about what he was getting into. Why is Lucas yelling? Who's hurting him? Is it vine girl?

But he shakes his head to clear the uncertain thoughts, because he's sure that whatever it is, he and Lucas can deal with it together. Mason won't let him down this time. Not again.

He slows to a stop when he sees a girl with green hair staring through the tree line at something. He can tell it's Lucas from the shouts of frustration. 

So this must be vine girl, and Lucas isn't crazy or dreaming. Unless Mason is having a dream about Lucas and vine girl. Then he'd better be the hero of the story.

He suddenly wonders who vine girl is. If Lucas found out sometime today, which is unlikely, then he hasn't told Mason yet.

His jaw drops when he catches a glimpse of his brother, who's now sporting claws and fangs. Mason knew something like this was going to happen, but knowing and actually seeing are two totally different things.

The vines are attacking Lucas while vine girl watches. So his brother was right about her controlling them. 

Mason notices that the girl flinches every time Lucas snaps or claws a vine in half. Duly noted.

Mason's instincts kick in as he wonders what a hero would do. If vine girl is controlling the vines, then he needs to stop her. So he takes a flying leap through the air, straight into vine girl.

They both go down with a yell, Mason a bit uncertain as he tries to pin her to the ground without hurting her. But the nerves seem to vanish as he remembers his new werewolf strength and is able to hold her hands in place.

He knows something is wrong when vine girl smiles, but he's too happy with his victory to care, glad that he doesn't hear Lucas yelling anymore.

"Look out Mason!" His twin shouts a warning suddenly. Mason doesn't even have time to move before he feels a searing pain go through his stomach, which spreads throughout his body as he falls to the ground next to vine girl. He sees her sit up calmly through his blurry vision.

He hears a loud buzzing noise and puts his hands to his bleeding stomach. The smell of his own blood is overwhelming, freaking Mason out further. Is there supposed to be this much pain in a dream?

"Mason!" Lucas screams at him again, sounding like it wasn't the first time. Then Mason hears a thud and doesn't hear anything more from his brother.

Lucas' heart breaks at the sight of his brother bleeding out on the ground. He can't even go over to Mason because vine girl is blocking the way. The smell of blood hits his nose as he breathes in deeply, finding that it fuels his anger.

He's practically blind with rage as he charges at vine girl. Lucas slashes a few vines that come his way before one shoves him into a tree with a loud thud. His vision blurs for a moment as he wonders how a vine can shove someone. Was it a larger vine than normal?

As a last resort, he decides to reach out to vine girl emotionally. "Ivie! Stop it. This isn't you." Lucas pleads.

Vine girl replies with a dark laugh, "This is no longer Ivie Sterling. Sorry young wolf." She smirks at him.

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