Under the Clouds

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Date: 2-24-17

Chapter 28: Under the Clouds

Lena arrives when she said she would, 15 minutes after she texted Lucas.

Lucas hears the knock at the door very clearly, and he feels a stream of nerves move through him.

But Lucas shakes himself. There's nothing to be worried about. Lucas is a powerful werewolf. Why wouldn't Lena like him? Lucas tries to convince himself.

But a small voice inside Lucas' head says, "Maybe because you're the reason she's fighting with her best friend."

Lucas frowns and silently tells the voice to shut up while he quickly walks to the door.

Lena's standing in the doorway in jean shorts and a flowing blue shirt that is slightly longer in the back than in the front.

Lucas smiles and steps outside so they can head to the backyard.

"So she's still mad at me?" Lena asks quietly, unsure of something for once. Lucas always sees Lena as a confident person, so it's shocking to see that she can falter like the rest of the world.

"I'm not sure. She hasn't come out of her room." Lucas replies, deciding not to outright lie. It wouldn't be good to start off the day by lying to Lena.

Lucas may not be sure if Jerica's still mad, but he suspects she is.

"Right." Lena says dejectedly. They reach the backyard and Lucas grabs Lena's hand to stop her.

"It's her, not you Lena. She's always been this headstrong. It's her way. Believe me, I know." Lucas tells Lena, letting a hint of sadness in his voice so that she knows he's being sincere.

Lena looks down at their hands joined by their sides. The warmth from Lucas' hand spreads to hers. Lena turns her head away from Lucas so he doesn't see her grin.

She can't help being happy around Lucas, not even when she's fighting with her best friend. But Lucas must think that's mad her more upset, because he gently takes her chin and turns her head towards him.

"Hey." Lucas says softly. Lena's secret smile is gone. "She will apologize, because you're too good of a person for her to let go of." Lucas means every word he's said.

Lena can't stand being this close to Lucas anymore. Her whole body is screaming at her to close the space between them.

Lena's never felt this way before, so she doesn't know how to fight it off. But does she really want to?

"Thank you." Lena whispers to Lucas, unable to speak at her regular volume with them so close. Lucas still holds her hand and has the other hand under her chin.

Lucas lets go of Lena with a small smile, completely unsure of what to do. They were so close... But Lucas wants to do this right.

Lucas doesn't know if he should say something else about it, so he decides to move on.

"Come on. Let's sit down so we can talk." Lucas sits in the middle of the backyard.

"You really should get some lawn chairs out here." Lena says teasingly as she sits down with her legs folded underneath her beside Lucas.

Lucas laughs, and Lena relishes in the sound. It's a real laugh, one that she hasn't heard in at least a month. Everything's been so crazy, and Lena just now started really seeing the great things about Lucas. He's no longer her best friend's older brother.

"Why have chairs when laying in the grass is better? We can comfortably look up at the clouds without having to crane our necks." Lucas answers back, but completely serious.

Then Lucas proceeds to lay down on his back in the grass, and Lena follows slowly. Lucas turns his head and sees Lena's brilliant orange hair spread out on the lush green grass.

It's an unusually nice day out today. The sun shines down on Lucas and Lena's faces, revealing Lena's light splatter of freckles along the bridge of her nose and under her eyes.

Lucas grins like a crazy person, content to stay in this moment forever, staring at Lena next to him without any worries.

Lena grins back at Lucas, glad that he's happy with her. She needs to tell him how she feels, but Lena is afraid. It would ruin everything if he didn't like her back.

"So what do we need to talk about?" Lena questions Lucas curiously.

Lucas turns his head, putting his arms underneath his head, looking up at the moving clouds. They're going slowly across the sky, inch by inch, as content as Lucas is to stay.

"I got some answers." Lucas announces, knowing Lena's been wondering about getting those for days.

"From who? Adrian?" Lena's eyes light up with intrigue. Lucas suddenly realizes that she wants to know what type of supernatural she is. Lucas completely forgot to ask Monique, so caught up in the werewolf side of everything.

"Did I just hear my name?" Adrian's voice comes from the shadow at the side of the house. Lucas and Lena jerk upright, seeing Adrian walking towards them.

"What are you doing here?" Lucas asks in a tone that's not the nicest. Lucas doesn't feel bad though, because Adrian just ruined the moment. Lena is now frowning.

Lucas grabs Lena's hand to pull her up from the ground. She doesn't smile at him. Lucas feels the urge to growl and attack Adrian, but he holds that back.

"I came to deliver the good news in person." Adrian answers with a huge grin as he stops a few feet away from them, out of Lucas' reach.

"You didn't think you could announce what Lena is without me, did you?" Lucas' eyes widen as he realizes what Adrian's doing.

Adrian must've heard Lucas and Lena talking, and he knew that Lucas forgot to ask about Lena. Adrian is saving Lucas.

"You found out?" Lena asks Lucas excitedly.

Before Lucas can reply, Adrian cuts in. "Of course he did! But I get to tell you, since I did kind of tease you a little the other day." Adrian replies with a smirk.

"A little?" Lena asks incredulously. It was more than a little.

Adrian waves a hand dismissively. "That's in the past. Do you want to know what you are or not?"

"Tell me." Lena says. Then quickly adds, "Please."

"Okay. Here goes nothing!" Adrian says while rubbing his hands together, like he's starting a master plan.

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