{ C H A P T E R · O N E } J A I · B R O O K S

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Ariana's POV

I sang along quietly to Katy Perry's 'Hot n' cold' as it boomed through my headphones that were connected to my iphone that lay beside me.

Bringing, my cup of coffee to my lips, I tilted slightly, letting the warm liquid slide down my throat, heat immediatly radiating through my body.

My tense muscles relaxed as I did so. It was days like this that I valued the most. Peace and quiet, most importantly no stress and drama.

My life was so far drama free. I had amazing friends, loving fans and a caring family. I had haters but my fans help me through them and showed me positive things about life.

Like how lucky I am to have a family. Even though my parents are divorced I still have my real parents and the best brother I could ask for. Although he was only my half brother I treated him like a real one.

I had many firneds that were always there for me. Jenn, Liz,Isaac, the twins , Lexie etc.

I snapped out of my thoughts and resumed scrolling through the endless sea of tweets, until I saw a tweet that all of my fans were re-tweeting.

@jaibrooks01: @arianagrande is offically my wife....she just dosen't know it yet.

His tweet caused a small smirk to play on my face. It was sweet and funny at the same time. I debated whether I should reply to him or not.

The decision I settled on was replying to him.

@arianagrande: @jaibrooks01 That's true, I don't recall getting married ;)

Jai's POV

It was extremely late at night, almost midnight yet I stayed awake with Luke. He was sitting on his part of the bunk, his eyes focused on his laptop.

He was editing the new video we filmed and refused to shut the lights off so I was forced to stay up.

A groan escaped my mouth, I wanted to go to sleep but Luke just wasn't having it.

"Damn it Luke, can't you do that tommorrow" I yelled

"No, I'm almost finished, so quit whining and check if your wife replied to you" I could imagine the smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes and went on twitter. The app opened up and I tapped on my mentions. Of course I wasn't expecting anything but jumped as soon as I saw that Ariana had replied.

"Shit, She actually replied!" I exclaimed, my eyes about to pop out of their sockets as I celebrated.

"Yeah yeah" Luke mumbled, still focusing on the screen in front of him.

"Geez don't have to be too excited" I replied sarcastically, a smile on my face appearing as I read her reply.

I then got a notification saying that she followed me and that she sent me a private message

Ariana: I'm sure, I won't be getting married anytime soon but wouldn't hurt to get to know you right ;)

Me: Sure won't

We instantly started to talk about different topics and before I knew it, it was Luke that was asking to turn the lights off

"Dude, it's 1am , get off the phone already" He yelled

"Just a minute"

Ariana: Hey, I gotta go but I'll talk to you tomorrow or later, bye <3

Me: Bye, see ya :)

"Great, it's as if you asked her to stop talking to me" I sighed, slipping my phone under my pillow.

"It's because I did " Luke smirked, running to the turn the lights off.

A soft sigh escaped my mouth as I let my head fall on my pillow, immediately drowsing off into dreamland.


And that ends the first re-written Chapter lawl :3

I wanted to re-write everything, for people who can't stand awful writing and such...so here ya go XD

Letting Go  (a Jariana/Ariana Grande/Jai Brooks fan fiction) editingWhere stories live. Discover now