Chapter 39 - Heartbreaker

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Jai's POV

My eyes opened and I glanced at the ringing phone under my pillow.

who the hell would call me at 12 in the night

I groaned , before pressing the answer button.

"Hello" I greeted , groggily . My eyes were only slightly open and I was still half asleep.

"Jai" Ariana's voice whimpered . I immediatly shot up at the weakness of her voice

"Ariana, what happened" I asked ,concerned at why she sounded so stressed

"I t-think Natahn's c-cheating on me " she stuttered, I could tell she was heartbroken considering she only stuttered when she was really upset

"what makes you think that" I questioned, My hands clenched into fists and I was ready to smash Nathan's face

"When I called him up a g-girl answered and s-she said that N-Nathan was busy recording even though I knew he was at a club talking to some girl" She mumbled.

By that time I was already getting dressed, There is no way I would leave Ariana alone at a time like this

"I'll be over soon"

I hung up and walked out of my room. The boys were all awake except for Luke , who was in his room, sleeping.

"Jai, why are you up? " Beau asked . The three of them were in the loving room watching some T.V show I didn't give a fuck about .

"I'll be back soon" was all I said before leaving the house. I was in such a rush I forgot I wasn't wearing any shoes but that was the least of my worries. All I cared about was getting to Ariana as soon as possible.

We only lived a couple of blocks away, Weird I know but I wanted to stay near her.

In ten minutes flat I arrived and knocked on her door.Ariana opned the door and immediatly began crying in my arms. I brought her inside and sat down on the couch.

"Hey don't worry I'll beat the shit out of him tomorow" I said , rubbin her back in an attempt to calm her down . Ariana giggled, she always did when someone would swear. It was one of the little things I lobed about her.

"Thanks Jai" She smiled.

Yo guys just a short filler chapter since I wanted to add a little 'Jariana' . Thank you guys so much for your support . I appreciate it so much.

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that was weird haha


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