Chapter 31- The Twinkling Secret

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Ariana's POV

"oh my goodness , we need to get you ready" Jennette sqeauled , causing me to laugh a little

"whatever, I'm putting you guys in charge" I said as I removed the hoodie I was wearing , to reveal a pink tank top.

"okay, just sit back and relax" Liz ordered .

I nodded and focused on my phone, everyone was asking if Nariana was real or not.

Some stupid paparazzi managed to sneak in and took a picture of me and Nathan

My mind went blank, would I really lie to my fans? then again we weren't offical .. so I decided to avoid the subject as much as possible

Before I knew it, my phone was taken from me and I was pushed into the dressing room

"Try this on"


About an hour later I finally found the perfect outfit which was fancy but casual at the same time

Jennette and Liz were too lazy to do my hair and make up so we went to the salon and had the beauty proffessionals do it .

I would have done it myself but I stink at make up and I wanted to atleast look nice if on the inside I was begging Jai to come and save me

Ugh...why did I agree to this again? right because I'm stupid .

The kind lady that did my hair and make up told me she was done .

I looked into the mirror and was pretty shocked at my reflection.

My hair was styled in beach waves, I tried my hair straight and curly but never wavy , it looked amazing

For my make up she did a soft smoky eye that wasn't too dramatic and a pretty bright red lipstick.

"Oh my gosh , I love it , thank you so much" I smiled , admiring my hair .

She gave me a sweet smile before , I paid her.

The three of us went back to my place and since it was still three we watched re-runs of victorius

Time passed by quickly and it was already six thirty . Jennette and Liz told me to put my outfit on , while they continued watching T.V.

I put on the pink floral dress that stopped two inches from my knees and wore some pretty nude heels

I stacked on a bunch of random bracelets and a pearl necklace

By the time I was finished it was already seven and I ran downstairs as fast as I could in heels .

As usaul he didn't expect me to be on time so by the time I finished , he was sitting on the couch , talking to Jenn and Liz.

"oh there she is" Liz said , pointing at me

Nathan's POV

Wow. Ariana looked amazing , she definetly went all out .

I plastered a fake smile on my face and we walked out of the house and into my car.

Why was I even doing this you ask. Well everyone sees Ariana as a 'good girl' but I'm going to change that .

She'll be called anything but good when I'm finished with her.

I rolled my eyes slightly as she babbled about some girly stuff I didn't give a damn about.

We finally reached our destination and I parked the car.

Ofcourse I had to act 'sweet' and 'charming' in order for her to officaly go out with me so I went to her side of the car and opened the door for her

She gave me a smile and followed me into the resturant.

Ariana's POV

Nathan took me to a resturant called T.G.I Fridays

I've heard of it before but never got the chance to eat there

I had no idea what type of food they served but I guess anything's fine with me.

While Nathan was talking to a lady about his reservations , I checked my phone .

I had a text from Jenn , so I unlocked my phone and her text appeared.

Jenn: how's the date so far?

Me: It's fine .

Jenn: where's Nathan?

Me: talking to some lady about the reservations.

Jenn: oh okay

Me: anymore qeustions? X)

Jenn: Not now , maybe later ;)

Me: haha okay

Jenn: Gotta go Liz's calling me

Me: Don't burn down the house okay

Jenn: That is such an overused saying

Me: I know, that's why I use it haha

Jenn: whatevs , bye!

Me: Bye!

I laughed a little at our conversation, we always said weird things when we texted, things we wouldn't dare say in real life .

"Ariana, come on" Nathan said, making me look up from my phone

He walked to a beautifully designed table with flowers and a floral table cloth .

He took out the chair for me which made me smile. He was so sweet. How can someone not like him

"Let's order"


Ayo people , I hope that chapie's long enough

And thank you guys so mich for all your support!

anyways love ya

Letting Go  (a Jariana/Ariana Grande/Jai Brooks fan fiction) editingWhere stories live. Discover now