Owl's Last Day

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^3rd ward^
June 9; 1:29pm
-3rd pov-

"It's almost time for the operation, Ranpo-senpai." A young man with faint aqua hair said to his superior.

"I know and that's got to be the first time you've called me your Senpai, Maki-kun." Ranpo said, smiling as he tipped his hat.

"Well I'm only four years younger than you so I suppose I had to call you 'senpai' sooner or later." Maki replied, scratching his head. "Besides we may die during the operation."

"Alright, I've heard that your going with investigator lipless." Ranpo said, with a amused smile.

"Ranpo-senpai, do you that ghouls are the same as human in our state-of-mind?" Maki asked, his gaze looking at something else. I looked at him with wide eyes, shocked by his question. He looked at him then spoke quickly. "Sorry, Senpai. Just thinking out loud that's it."

"No, it's alright. Every time when I see a older ghoul, sometimes think of the possibility of them having a family." I said with a weak smile as I leaned against a desk. "The kids and the person's partner would be heartbroken and would want to get revenge on us for killing their family member, just like us. So I would say that humans and ghouls are sort of the same in a way."

"Huh?.. Is that right?" Maki say looking away. I chuckled a bit and walked towards him, patting his shoulder, while telling him to tell lip-less 'I said hi.' "See ya, Maki-kun. If you don't die during the suppression, let's get coffee together, alright?" I said, before continuing out the office.

^15th Ward^
-Shade's pov-

"The doves had cleared out nearly half of the people in the 20th ward within a few hours, even the patients at the Kanou General Hospital had been move to different ones." One of my three subordinates says as we watch as people drove their cars or went on foot out of the 20th ward. "Plus the 'Eyepatch' is also in our ward."

".. Is that right?.. Don't bother him. He's not our priority right now." I told them and stood on the edge of the building we were on. "I'll be gone for awhile. Kori-kun, I leave you in charge of the group till I return."

"Huh?.. Yes, sir." Kori says in surprise.

"Huh?!.. Why am I not in charge?" Lee growled at me.

"You haven't followed my orders three times. So this is punishment or would you rather I dismember some limbs from you again." I replied, darkly to him without turning towards him. "Remember, Lee. I'm your superior not a newbie." With that I jumped off the roof, leaving them towards the rest of their responsibility.

^20th ward^
June 11, 2:23 am
-3rd pov-

"I didn't expect this fight between the CCG and the Aogiri Tree to last so long and lastly have the doves start pushing them back." Kiyoko remarked, as she watched as the remaining doves stand up against Aogiri. "Oh, if you're wondering Kiyoshi went to find Black Dog and Devil Ape, Slendy." She said, turning towards the mute ghoul.

'Alright, have you seen Shade? He's suppose to be down there. Somewhere.' Slendy wrote down as he looked down at the war zone.

"No.. Where can he be?" Kiyoko said, disappointingly. Slendy patted her head softly, stilling looking at the war zone. "Sis, Slendy, I got the Black Dog and Devil Ape to the 15th ward." Kiyoshi said coming from behind them.

Slendy turned towards him, holding his thumb up for good job. 'We'll stick around till we find Shade.'

"Got it. Want me to look around for anymore ghouls from the apes and dogs?" Kiyoshi asked. Slendy nodded in approval and watched as he left.

-Ranpo's pov-

"This has to be a new record for the numbers of ghouls killed in a operation, right?" I joked as I sat myself down a lone piece of concrete that was destroyed by one of Aogiri's explosions. Sato sighed heavily as he sat on the ground with his back on the debris I was sitting on.

"Your old partner died, Kohaku." Sato says leaning his head back until it met the cold stone that we were on. I sighed in disappointment knowing that we weren't going to be on anymore missions together. "Isami's thankfully alive though. Hehe. She just looking for any other survivors."

"To be honest, I think that Shinohara-san got it worst." I said looking at where he was. Juuzou was sitting on the ground across the street with his weapon.

"Isn't Arima-san suppose to been here?" Sato asked, looking up at me. I blinked and looked around once more. "Y-yeah, I'll see if I can find him." I said, jumping off from the broken debris I was sitting on and running off to see if could find him. I didn't have to worry about my hat flying off my head when I'm running since I left it at home. I abruptly stopped after seeing a man with white hair walking towards someone with short black haired, sitting on a swing with a open book in hand. He stood a foot away, probably talking with the guy before sitting next to him.

*One more part to go before this book ends*

*The second book is close to coming*

*I hope you enjoyed my Fanfic of Tokyo Ghoul*

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