One side or the other

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^1st Ward^
<CCG's Headquarters>
-3rd pov-

"Arima-san, are you sure not to put up more precautions for Yoshika Yuuma."

"Yes, we are trying to keep Yuuma-kun in check without losing Yuuma-kun's trust." Arima replied.

"If he gets out of hand, You'll have no choice to end him. Is that understood, Arima-san?"

"I promise that he won't go that far."

"You better and if the public finds out of what he's really is. He'll be back in Cochlea, under lock and key."

"Yes sir."

October 25

"Finally, I get this cast off my arm." Yuuma said happily.

"Don't get to happy so quickly. I've got to check your Rc levels." Dr. Shiba says.

(A/N: I know he's in the Re; manga for the quince but whatever. I do whatever I want to.)

"My Rc level doesn't change." Yuuma complained, moving his head side-to-side.

"Arima and the higher ups wants to be safe. And since you are different from normal ghouls and eat human food." Shiba explained.

"Spare me the details." Yuuma said in boredom.

"I have a question for you, Yuuma-kun."

"What is it?" He raised an eyebrow as his head rested on his hand.

"What happens when you don't have enough flesh in your diet?" Shiba asked.

"Cravings for it and probably the loss of sanity probably. I'm not sure. I always consume enough before it ever happens." He scratched the back of his head.

"Hmm... Interesting, that will be all for today."

Yuuma nodded and left after putting on his coat. Once the door was shut close Dr. Shiba looked at Yuuma's Rc level.

Patient: Yoshika Yuuma
7/25: Rc: 4800
9/21: Rc: 3600
10/24: Rc: 3550

"Dr. Shiba, you wanted to speak to me."

"Yes, it's about Second rank Yoshika Yuuma, Arima-san."

"What about him?" Shiba slid Yuuma's Rc report across the table to him.

"It's his Rc levels.... Their weakening... If it continues any further it may cause damage to him or worst kill him."

"Got any suggestions to return his Rc levels to normal?"

"When's the last time he had enough flesh in his diet."

"I gave him some a few weeks ago.."

"He may need to eat a full corpse or something else."

"I'll see what I can do. And have you told him about his Rc levels?"

"No, I'm keeping that a secret from him until you knew. So do you what to keep it from him or tell him?"

"*sigh* Lets keep it to ourselves."
-Arima's pov-

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