Missing Friend

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^4th ward^
One month later: January 19th
12:23 pm
-Taiga's pov-

"Aogiri has been making wards bigger shit hole than what you and Yomo have done before." I yawned, draping my arms around Uta's shoulders.

"I suppose you're right... Things have changed after they became a problem." Uta said, leaning his head back next to mine. "Heard Shade was going under."

"Yeah, wolf-san asked him to do something for him awhile back." I grumbled, grabbing an eyeball from Uta's desk.

"I wonder what 'they're' going to do now?" Uta said, removing my arms from him as he went to stand up. I watched as Uta pick up Stitch, letting him climb to his shoulder.

"Wolf-san hasn't called in awhile. I wonder what's he's up to?" I wondered, chewing on the eyeball.

^2nd ward^
-Shinohara's pov-

"Hello there. Huh? Arima-san's not here." Ranpo says as he entered the meeting room.

"Yeah, I thought he would come though." I said. "Congrats on achieving Special class, Ranpo-kun."

"Thanks, Shinohara-san." He said tipping his hat down a bit.

Everyone was accounted for except for Arima. Seems that we'll start with out him. "So far Aogiri has taken the 10th and 9th ward." Marude says. "And a new ghoul with an eyepatch as seen with them. The same one that took the life of 1st class Mado in the 20th ward."

"So your thinking that Aogiri has a base in the 20th ward?" I said.

"That's not likely, Shinohara-san." Ranpo said before Marude said anything.

"Hu- Why do you say that, Ranpo-kun." He asked.

He took a deep breath and placed his hat on the table. "Because the wolves' pack leader's second in command is placing some type territory thing ever since his spotting in the 20th ward with Jason." Ranpo leaned his head against his arm.

He act a bit childish at times but when it comes to things like this he's serious. A child that gets covered with a mask of seriousness.

"Aogiri Tree would be fools to mess with them. Wolves are persistent to guard their territory at any means. 'Pack leader' would even show his Kakjua just like he did a few years back." Ranpo says, pushing up his glasses. "Most likely this 'eyepatch' left after seeing that they temporarily claimed the 20th ward."

"You have a point, Ranpo-kun." Ui said. "If a wolf gets attack by another group their most likely to respond negatively and attack the group then defend themselves."

The other were thinking about it after for awhile until Ui spoke again. "Now that you said that didn't you see the ghoul 'Minx', Shinohara?"

"Hmm.. Yeah but I'm still not sure if she's a V rated ghoul or not." I said.

"For now until we're able to confirm that's she's a V-rated ghoul or not let's keep an eye on the 13th and 3rd wards." Yoshitoki says.

We nodded and left the room. "Oi Ranpo-kun, got a minute?" I asked, stopping him mid-way out of the door.

He looked at me, blinking a few times as his hat hanged from his finger mid-air. "Sure what is it, Shinohara?" He said putting his hat on his head.

"It's about the Yuuma." His eyes widened a bit.

"What about him?"

"Do you know if he knew anything about the wolves?" I asked as we entered an elevator with Iwa. Ranpo placed his hands in his pants' pocket as he leaned against the wall of the elevator.

"No, Yuuma-kun hardly talked. When he does its mostly comments on something or a small explanation." He said as me and Iwa talked about something else. As we walked out one messenger boy came and handed me something and casually walking passed Ranpo without looking at him once.

"Oi Shinohara-san, I heard Amon-kun got a new partner." Ranpo says, as he loosening his tie.

"Yeah, Akira Mado." I said.

"Huh?! Mado-san's daughter. Hahahaha. First was Kureo Mado, now Akira Mado. hehehe. Isn't that convenient." Ranpo chuckled.


-3rd pov-

"Arima-san, can I ask why you called me here." An younger male asked him.

"I just want to know why there has been a strange activity in the 15th ward." Arima said in his blunt tone.

"Huh?... I don't know nothing, except for the wolves being called into action to different wards." The male  says. "Arima, if you plan to keep asking me these types of question, we should at least talk in private."

-Kiyoko's pov-

"Kiyoshi, where did you put the damn remote?!" I call out, looking through the couch cushions.

"I don't know last time I saw it Shade had it. So ask your boyfriend." Kiyoshi sassed.

Gritting my teeth, I jumped him. While I was strangling him, I failed to notice Naosuke-san walking behind the two of us. Till Kiyoshi had spoken.

"Naosuke-san, help me!" I turned to see him. His head was tilted to the side as he slightly frowned.

'Should I even ask?' He held out. 'Troubling twins you are.'

"Naosuke-san, you love us." I said, getting off Kiyoshi.

'Doubting right now...' His hand covered his face as he shook his head a bit. 'I'm wondering why I even put up with you two.'

"Simple because we're family." Kiyoshi said as me and my brother sat side by side on the floor, looking at Naosuke.

He looked at us with an ease look in his eyes after he removed his hand from his face. A small smile had formed on his uncovered pale face. He patted our heads then entered his room, closing the door after himself.

"That's was odd." Kiyoshi said. "I guess that time still hold a burden on him." He shrugged his shoulders as he turned to me.

"For him, Yoshimitsu and Wolf-san its burnt in their memories as some sort of reminder." I said, covering my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket.

"Hmm.... Want to play amnesia?" Kiyoshi asked, as he climbed to his feet.

"Yes." I replied standing up and followed him to our room.

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