The White Eyed Ghouls Strike (part 1)

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-3rd pov-
^1st Ward^

"All available investigators from the 1st rank and above prepare to be dispatched to the 3rd Ward. Immediately... I repeat, all 1st rank and higher prepared to leave for the 3rd Ward."

"What's the situation?" Marude asked.

"The 3rd Ward is being attacked by the Wolves... I repeat the Wolves."

"Hold them off as much as you can. Those wolves will learn to stay in there den."

"Yes, sir."

"Well this has just got interesting." Yuuma says in a uninterested tone.

"Keep your eyes peeled, Yuuma-kun. You'll be leading others to take out some ghouls that have been reported to be hiding out in a parking garage." Shinohara says in a stricter one.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, sir." He says, shooing at his old partner.

Shinohara heavily sighs before looking out of the transport vehicle's window. "What're you going to do, Shinohara-san?" Yuuma asked.

"Dealing with the main squad that started this attack." Shinohara answers.

"The head of the Wolf pack. The one they call 'Pack Leader.'" Yuuma says.

"Yeah, we never had a real issue with them. Until now, I wonder what had tick them off?" Shinohara asked to no one in particular. "Also why are you wearing your normal clothes and not your armor?"

"Didn't have time to change." Yuuma left it with that and watched the scenery as they passed buildings and people. He soon closed his eyes waiting for them to reach the their destination.

^3rd Ward^

The 3rd Ward was a war zone for the CCG since most of their men that occupied it were dead and reinforcements were bound to come. Only a very few of the members of the wolves had died, the surviving ones fed on the dead human soldiers while they waited for more to come.

The leader of the wolves stood on the roof of an abandon building watching as soldiers were killed. But the view he was watching wasn't amusing at all.

"Wolf-san, I have eyes on the dove's transport vans...' Puzzle informed him.

"Yeah, I see them coming.... The rest of you guys know your parts, right?" Wolf replies.


-3 hour ago-

"Sorry that I'm late, there was a ghoul that thought he could take the 14th Ward from me." Berserker says coming from the doorway.

In the room, he was greeted by some unpleasant looks. The looks came from Wolf, Bloody Mary, Puzzle, Uta and Itori.

"So Slendy isn't coming." Berserker says looking around.

"Yeah, seems that way." Mary says.

"Berserker, Mary. You guys are being to be extra hands for me and the wolves got it." Wolf says going straight to the plan.

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