Learning about the White Eyed Ghouls

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4 1/2 weeks later
November 12th
-Kiyoko's pov-

It has been nearly 5 weeks since Kaneki had started to work at Antieku. Another new friend to play with. At least the shop wasn't filled with a lot of people when Touka complained to the manger about having to take Kaneki to get a mask.

"Touka, he did beat Nishio's ass isn't that enough?" I said, playfully.

She glared at me and crossed her arms. "He nearly ate his friend, Kiyoko. I think that one reason for him not to have a mask."

"So Kaneki-kun is still learning the ways of the ghouls so it's best that he gets a mask." I smiled, lightly clapping my hands together.

"Then why don't you take him?" Touka asked, slaming her hand on the table. I stuck out my tongue and said, "Yoshimura-san asked you not me.... That's my loop hole not your's Touka-chan."

"Still tomorrow's my only day off." Touka complained. I tapped my finger against my chin and thought of an idea. "How's about we play short straw, big straw. There's going to be three straws; one of them is short and the others are big. The big straws means that the person has to go with Kaneki to get his mask done and the small one doesn't." I suggested holding my finger up.

"Fine then." Touka muttered. Yoshimura-san held the straw as me and Touka took turns grabbing a straw. Unfortunately, both me and Touka got the big straw, Yoshimura grinned as he held out the remaining straw. The short one. The two of us cursed as Kaneki looked clueless at us.

"2:30 tomorrow at the train station show up late and I'll kill you." Touka threaten Kaneki before heading upstairs. "You cheated us didn't you, Yoshimura-san?" I said tilting my head to him.

"Well you shouldn't have chose a game that would cause both of you two to take him." He replied. I clicked my tongue, "It better not take to long, Naosuke-san wants me to do something before going home tomorrow."

"Kiyoko-chan?" I heard Kaneki. I looked at him, blinking my eyes. "Yea, Kaneki?"

"You're a ghoul right."

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

He looked down, "I was wondering why you smell human." I giggled a bit before heading upstairs to change.
November 13
2:30 pm
-3rd pov-

Kaneki waited near the train station for Touka and Kiyoko. While waiting Kaneki was soon kicked in the back by Touka but Kiyoko was still nowhere to be found. "Come on, Kiyoko will meet us there." Touka told Kaneki as she walked off. The both stopped at a shop called HySy Studios. Kiyoko stood outside of the shop in her normal wear which was a black oversize zipped up jacket, shorts and gray leggings. Her hair was tied up into a braid.

"Sorry for not meeting you guys at the train station." Kiyoko apologized. "Anyway lets go inside."

They entered the shop, only Kaneki was kinda freak out by the design of the shop. As the girls looked for the owner, Kaneki had gotten curious of what was under a white sheet on a display table. He yelped after seeing a raven haired man under it. "What are you doing, Uta?" Touka asked, giggling a bit.

"Everyone should have a scare once in a while." He said getting off the table. "Hello Kiyoko-chan, did Naosuke-san ask you to bring me something?"

"Yea, after I told him I was coming here he ask that I give you this." Kiyoko replies, taking out a package from her bag.

"Oh why thank you, Kiyoko-chan." Uta thanked, walking over to his desk. Touka, Kaneki and Kiyoko followed him. Next to Uta's desk was a black couch with a young female sleeping there with a black cat near her face with a blood red blanket over her.

"This is Uta. He's the one going to make your mask." Touka introduced him to Kaneki.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Kaneki.... It's nice to meet you." Kaneki says before being oddly sniffed by Uta. "You have an unusual scent."

"Uta-kun, don't you think you're scaring him?" The tired female on the couch says sitting up with the cat in her lap, licking her face. She wore a black sweater and gray leggings, her was tied up into a messy bun. "Kiyoko, it's been a while has it not?"

"Yeah, Taiga. Wolf-san working you to the bone?" Kiyoko asked, scratching the little cat's head. "To much that she sleep here more often than home." Uta says, getting up from his chair. "Go take a seat over there so I can take your measurements." He tells Kaneki as he grabs his sketch book, a pencil and a eyeball.

"Touka-chan, I heard that doves were in the 20th wards... Does it have anything to do with Rize?" Taiga asked.

"Yea... but Tsukiyama is also pressing his luck lately.." Touka spoke in an annoyed tone. Taiga sighed, scratching her head. "Another gay shit head causing trouble... Kiyoko, Wolf-san say that Yamori is in the 20th ward. Is that right?"

"Yea, but for the past few weeks he's gone under." Kiyoko answers. "Want some pocky, Taiga?" Kiyoko held out a box of chocolate pocky. Taiga reluctantly said yes.

Kaneki could sort of see the Kiyoko and the Taiga eating the pocky without any disgust in their faces. "You curious about Kiyoko and Taiga?" Uta asks, moving his face to a good position.

"Well their scents are odd and I was wondering how they could eat human food without spitting it out." Kaneki says. Uta was silent for a while then told him. "Kiyoko and Taiga are rare type of ghouls that surpass the normal ghoul and human. They're what the doves call 'white eyed ghouls'..." He stopped to grab his sketchbook before continuing. "Unlike normal ghouls, they're able to digest human food without any problem. However they still need to eat flesh to survive and heal themselves. But they hardly ever need to heal since their skin is more stronger."

^1st ward^
-Arima's pov-

"Special Class Arima, didn't expect to see you back in the first ward so early." I heard. I turned towards Kohaku Ranpo, a associate-special class. "The first ward has been buzzing with questions about the 20th ward's recent ghoul activity lately."

"So I've heard. I'm surprised the Wolves haven't jumped out to find the S rated Jason. After all Jason had attack their leader." I spoke.

"That would be a very long grudge to hold to just one ghoul." Ranpo chuckled. "Oh and Shinohara-san wanted me to give you this. Before you ask, I don't know what's inside and haven't peaked in it. See ya, Arima-san." He said, after handing me a file.

"Thank you, Ranpo-kun." I said, entering my office. Opening the file given to me, I read though new update on the white eyed ghouls. So far there has only been appearances of them not really anything major since the raid on Cochlea. The motive for it hasn't been figured out. The V rated list had also grown over the past four years. Four new ones had been added in fact. The 'Twin Rippers', 'Shade', and 'Puppeteer'. All were discovered by fellow investigators seeing their eyes or affiliations with Wolf. However the ghoul 'Minx' is being debated whether she's a white eyed ghoul or just a ghoul affiliated with the 'White Eyed Killer'.

V Rated

Shade- 20th ward
Twin Rippers- 8th ward
Mafia Brothers- unknown
Bloody Mary- 12th

VV Rated
The Slender Man- 8th
Wolf- 15th
White Eyed Killer- unknown
(prev. 15th)
Puppeteer- unknown

VVV Rated

Kitsune- 15th
(Wolf's Kakuja)
Nightmare- Unknown


Kiyoko: I'm so bored..

Kiyoshi: So.. You got to be able to be in this part, Sis.

Slendy: *hits both on the head* 'It just had to be done... Anyway next part is 'Helter Skelter'.'

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