The Silent Ghoul

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-Ranpo's pov-

The faceless ghoul stood at 6 feet tall, no a sound came from him what so ever came as we held our quinques. He remained standing there in silence until what sounded like a muffled phone ringtone was set off. The ghoul slowly reached his hand inside of his coat, pulling out an old fashion flip-phone.

A click of the answer button stopped the ringing before holding it to his ear, I think. I wasn't really sure since his head didn't look human.

After a brief moment had past after the ghoul had answered his phone, the ghoul's kangune deactivated. When he closed the phone, smoke grenades came out of nowhere, and landed around the ghoul to block out our vision.

"Let's go, Slender! I don't have all day." A unknown voice yelled.

"Shit!.. They're getting away." A squad two member said.

"Don't... If that ghoul was able to withstand the blows you inflicted on him and kill nearly all of you guys. It's not a wise idea to go after it and his follower." I said loudly so they could hear me.

"So we're going to help the others on their side now." Yuuma asked.

"Yeah... I'll call this in."
-Wolf's pov-

"The doves seem to have the upper hand here... What exactly are we waiting for, Wolf?" Itori asked.

We stood at a nearby roof watching as investigators fought with ghouls. The building was nearly destroyed, smoke and ash was dispersed into the sky.

"Waiting for some friends, that's it." I said. "I called and they should be here soon while avoiding investigators as they go."

"So for now we are going to keep watch doves get killed or kill ghouls, is that right?" Uta says sitting down at the edge of roof.


"I should have brought some eyeballs." He complained. I groaned and decided to called Bloody Mary.
-Mary's pov-

'I wish I could kill them it would be a good blood bath.' I thought to myself, tapping my chin.

Investigators started to crowded in the loading area. Only crates and a few forklifts where there. I was standing on the top of one of the storage selves. I hid behind a few of the small crates that were near me, so they couldn't see me. While I was imagining how their flesh would taste like, a heavy and a quiet set of footsteps landed near me.

I turn my head after I caught a whiff of their scents. A 6 foot tall faceless man in a suit and a guy wearing a black mask with pointy dog ears at the top, the eyes had a red colored glass at the eye hole and the bottom was just black.

"....Finally..... I see that Slender man is done with his fun.... So are we going to kill the investigators down there or just escape, Berserker?" I asked.

".....hmm... Let's just get out of here.. The stench of the corpses is getting to me." He said.

There wasn't really any argument from me or Slender man. So we quickly left the scene and hurried to Wolf.
-3rd pov-

"This is Ranpo... It seems that the rest of the ghoul that weren't killed have already escaped... And the ghoul that had attack squad two had left with another ghoul that had helped him escape." Ranpo radioed in.

"That's alright, Ranpo-kun.... Bring everyone back... Our job here is done...We'll heading back now."

"Got it, sir."

"So we're leaving now?" Yuuma said, spinning a knife with his fingers.

"Yeah... Go look around for any survivors that were captured by the ghouls.... And if you see any ghouls, you know what to do." Ranpo said.

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