No Face

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-Itori's pov-

Uta-san has been out a lot for the past week, even told us to limit our kills to not attract attention from the doves. He has causing me to worry, sometimes I think that Taiga will just walk in and calm Uta; but when Uta said that she have been captured by the doves, we all thought that's she either dead or rotting in a cell of those doves.

"Oi, U-chan..... what are we going to do now?" I asked.

He said nothing but sat on the windowsill, licking an eyeball as he stare into the sky, the sun with still hours to go until it sets. This sight Uta is depressing. Few month ago when he told me about Taiga, he went super sadist on investigators. Killing about 15 of them in a day.

Asa stood next to me as we looked at our now depressed sadist leader. 'Please let there be something to make him get out of this depressing state.' I thought. Not even a second later, a black hair teenage male slammed open the door, breathing heavily.

"U-uta-San... The investigator.... that you wanted to ...know about is the 4th ward." He said, his hand on both of his knee as he took each breath.

This had gotten U-chan's attention causing him to stand up from the windowsill and consuming the eyeball. "Where is he now?" Uta asked , grabbing his mask from the counter.

"Ghost said he's at a gashopon shop but he also with a another investigator." He answered.

"Tell us when he moves.." Uta said with his sadist smile, before putting his mask on.

The black haired ghoul nodded as he watched Uta leave with some other. "Who's the investigator that Uta's looking for." I asked before he could leave.

He laughed nervously and tried to walk out, while saying, 'I don't think Uta-San would want you to know.' But he was stopped by Asa, who stared at him to spill the beans.


Making him tell us the about the investigator took us an hour until I made an agreement with him. But I'm not going to say what it is. "So this ghoul investigator that U-chan is looking, is name Yoshika Yuuma is that right." I said while looking at some pictures of him that the black haired ghoul had given me. Asa was sort of curious of it but didn't want to do anything that would make Uta mad.

'Guess that I'm on my own for this ' I thought to myself as I walked alone to where this Yuuma guy was.

The place he was at was a candy shop, I entered to see him with a brown haired girl at least 3 or 5 inches shorter. When I walked past him to look at some of the stuff that weren't candy, his scent smelled familiar but how.

I felt like it was time to go and to make sure those investigators don't become suspicious I pretended that I forgot my wallet at home. Once I did that, I looked back at them. They seem to not care about it since they were complaining about the candy.

"You have enough sweets, Isami.. No more alright." The short black hair investigator said.

"Please, Yuuma.... I'll just get two more bags.. One with gummy worms and the other with your favorite..... Macaroons!" The curly brown haired girl said cheerfully.

That seem to have got he because he sighed and gave her some money. He must have felt that someone was watching him because he looked around the shop to see who was looking at him. But before he was able to look at me a hurried out of the shop.


'I hope Uta doesn't ask I've been.' I thought to myself entering the hideout. It was mostly empty from the others. Maybe they went to kill some investigators. Before I was able to get my stuff that I left here, Uta voice had stopped me.

"And where have you been?" He said as his arms were crossed, his mask was held in his right hand. His glare with his Kakugan eyes made me nervous but I forced myself not to let him notice it.

"Just was looking for some good easy prey to catch."

"Then why are you here if you going hunting." He said coldly.

"I forgot my stuff." I said simply.

He continue to look at me to find that one small spec of me lying to him. 'Damn, U-chan why do you have to be this intimidating.' I could feel cold sweat going down my back as we stood there looking at each other. He soon stuffed his left hand in his pocket then slowly headed to the door. I quickly looked for my stuff that was here to loosen the tension.

Once I found one of my thing here, Uta had said something. "If you were looking for some easy prey then why did Ghost tell me that you were following a investigator."

'Shit... I forgot that he was following them.' I thought. My back still face him so at least he couldn't see my worried face.

"Itori, did you make a deal with Blood to know who the investigator I wanted info about." He said in a blunt tone. "You should just stop lying because you can't continue to wing things so I won't know you're trying to find out why I want info on him."

I sighed in defeat and turned around with my head down. "Was it really that easy?" I asked.

"Yes, because Asa told me once I had came back."

'Damn you, Asa. I going to get payback on you.' I thought as I gritted you teeth.

"Itori, if that investigator has any info about Taiga, I am willing to get her back even if it means getting myself killed." Uta said, leaving the hideout.

Bad Ass Uta-san!
Hi there posted another part today. Hope you enjoyed this part because I wanted to do Uta's gang pov cuz I got bored.

And I am sorry for this part being to short have no idea what to do in the next part.

Anyway see ya

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