Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Elsa's POV

I just sent all of the castle guards to go look for Anna so I was stuck alone in my castle. I am sitting in my study going over the past events when the candles I have lit all blow out at once. I immediately get a chill down my spine, which is definitely not normal since I am the snow queen I never get cold. I see a light down the hall and decide to go after it. When I finally reach it I see its just the lamp in our hallway. But behind me I can't help but feel like I'm being watched. When I'm about to turn around I hear the creepiest laugh I have ever heard. I registered it right away. The evil queen. When I turn around I quickly shoot an icicle at her but she dodges it like she knew it was coming. She then says "I would have expected more from you Elsa. Seeing that to get your sister out you almost killed her with an abominable snowman." That angered me I was about to do exactly what she said but she cut me off by saying "don't waste your time I only came to warn you at what I have coming. Plus I have everyone you love under my control. Including your precious sister. (insert evil laugh here). And with that she disappeared without a trace. Causing all the candles and lights to come back on. After moments of thinking the guards came bursting through the door. The head guard said they had found footprints heading into the forest up toward the north mountain. He said they were gonna wait until morning to go look.

Anna's POV

I'm pretty sure It has been roughly 2 hours since Rapunzel and I have last seen Anisa and that was when she was giving us our breakfast. The place We were kept in felt so familiar I just couldn't put my finger on it. Anyway its been 2 hours and in that 2 hours Rapunzel and I have gotten to figure some things out.

Rapunzel's POV

(2 hours earlier)

Isa had just left us not too long ago. But Anna and I have already started talking. She asked me if I remembered anything on how I got here and I actually did. I only acted to pass out when the evil queen came to take us. So he asked me to explain the whole story and so here it is. Eugene and I were walking down to meet my parents for breakfast. We heard a huge crash and ran to see what happened. We saw the evil queen with my parents both knocked out. I made a loud gasp that I wish I would have kept my mouth shut but the evil queen of course heard. We quickly ducked away but when we looked around the corner again she was gone. We then turned and she was standing right in front of us. She then took us down to where my parents were and acted like I passed out when I saw them. It worked because she believed it. When she loaded us all into her carriage i opened my eyes. (she was driving the horses). I saw that we were quickly driving out of Corona. Leaving my home behind maybe not ever seeing it again is what broke my heart. It seems like I was always being taken away from my real home never being able to live a normal life. But anyway once we left Corona I suddenly started to get really cold. I then realized we were traveling farther and farther north towards this huge mountain range. And at the top of the tallest mountain was this huge castle that looked like it was made out of pure ice. While I was admiring the beautiful palace I didn't notice the evil queen looking back and seeing me awake. She quickly cast a spell on me causing me to fall into a deep sleep. Once I finished telling Anna my story I looked over to see her almost in tears. She said she was so sorry but it looked like something clicked inside her mine.


So sorry I haven't updated in a while i had this concert thing friday and saturday night, but here it is!! The 4th chapter! Thank you all so much for reading!! ~Cam

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