Beau: The Wind Through Your Hair, 1904, New York, The United States of America

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The Wind Through Your Hair

1904, New York, United States of America

There is nothing like feeling the wind through your hair. Ever since Violette came home wildly with the automobile and took us for a spin, I can't get that feeling out of my head. Diana didn't seem moved. She just sat in the back staring at her fingernails, perhaps thinking about applying a bit of polish, or maybe about something altogether sinister. But me? I had my head out the side, feeling the wind on my face, feeling the cool wind whipping through my long black curls. This is what freedom must feel like. I closed my eyes, and I was flying. 

"We don't need a puppy with Beau like that," Violette said, smiling. It was her darling smile. The same one that charmed so many nice almost Royals into giving us everything they had, including themselves. But we never got to see them conscious. That was for Violette's time to play. 

"Get your head back into the car, Beau, you'll break your neck like that," I heard Diana say firmly and matter-of-factly. 

"Noooo," I said, letting the wind play with my voice. I didn't want this freedom feeling to end.

But it did abruptly with a sharp pain in the back of my head and another yank from Diana's claw-like grip.

"Ahhh!!" I yelled, delighted to be able to let the wind whip my voice away from me. 

Yank, "Ahhh!!", Yank, "Ahhhh-ha-ha-ha!!" 

"I'll rip your bloody scalp from your head and then a tree will come and rip off your head for me!" I heard Diana's whispered growl behind me, her cold, sure voice ripping through my screams like a knife. "You annoying little masochistic son of a--!!"

"Ahh!! I can't concentrate on the road!" Violette squeaked, the car weaving maniacally all over the road, "stop it, you guys!! AHHHH!!!"

Then we all felt the wind in our hair. We hit the ground and tumbled down an embankment. I felt like my chest had caved in and like my head was a pulsating, sloshing water balloon about to explode.  

I laid in the leaves like a ragdoll whom had been left in a hurry by a sadistic little girl who liked to play surgery with broken glass and stomp on her patient with iron boots. I saw Violette near me, looking just like a smashed porcelain doll who had blood inside all along, which was now cascading freely through her perfect as princess black ringlets and onto her cute kitten-like face. She was staring at me with a fierce expression which perfectly said, "See what you made me do?" All the while, there was a strange clicking, snapping sound as we laid there.

I turned my head slightly and caught the frightening image of Diana sitting upright, cracking her broken finger bones back into place as casually as someone who is cracking their knuckles. My blood rolled in my veins as I caught the sharply bladed doom-filled glare of which Diana was staring back at me, no doubt waiting until I woke up. Waiting until I was fully conscious to wield her horrifying revenge. 

I jumped to the balls of my feet in a flash. "D-Diana...I know what you're thinking," I said, backing away slowly, "but you're the one...the one who..." She was slowly standing up and smiling slightly. "What's that smile for?!" I said in a worried voice. She just smiled and pointed over my shoulder with her newly fixed hand. I slowly turned my head. 

"Ahhh!! My car!! You killed my car, Beau!!!" Came an animal-like scream of rage. The air went from my lungs as a weight slammed into my back and Violette wrapped her legs around me and her hands around my neck. She twisted me around and landed like a cat on my upper body as I hit the ground, straddling me and leaning down on my throat with her knee, applying all the pressure in the known universe on my windpipe. 

My eyes bugged and the last thing I saw that day was Violette trying to rip out my eyes, and a smirking Diana standing over us like she knew all along it was going to happen. And she probably did.

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