A Tragic Accident

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We kissed.

A simple kiss.

I went up for air, as did he. We laughed nervously and ended up going home. How stupid is that huh.

You run when you finally have a moment with someone you lo- anyways.

"Bye Eren. And...thanks. You know for tonight."

I smiled at him and he smiled back

"No problem. Anything for you."

We stared into each others eyes for awhile. 


"Night (Y/N)"

I shut the door gently and smiled to myself, walking to the bed I slept in.


I woke up. But it was different. A good different. So I smiled.

"What are you smiling bout you sneaky bitch?"

I stopped smiling, flinched and looked at Akio.

"Ahh nothing. Er something I just.... dont remember."

I started fiddling with my fingers and looking down at them with a small smile forming to a big one.

"Dont remember? Or dont wanna say?"

"He sat on the bed by me.

"Mixture of both."





"You win lets go. We're going out for breakfast."



We went to Panera Bread and got food. I got mac and cheese hehe.

"So how are things with you and Eren-"

I spit out my food, clicked my tongue and began eating again. 

"So there going good again? Great even?!"

I looked at Adia with a mouth full of mac and cheese in my mouth then spit it all over her.


"Yeah thats what you get asshole."

I began eating again.

"But you and Eren-"

"Are fine OK? Fine. I dont love him if thats what your trying to ask. Now would you stop please?"

"I was gonna say belong together but-"

I stood up and walked away from the table.


"Adia I just said this. I dont love him."

Then I walked out.

I didnt wanna talk to them right now, so I went back to the bus.

I tuned my acoustics guitar and began playing.

Time's a ticking hearts are running
Think that Cupid's up to something
You ask me how I feel I say nothing
But lately colors seems so bright
And the stars light up the night
My feet they feel so light
I'm ignoring all the signs
I keep on frontin'
They ask they bluffin'
I keep you wondering
Keep you hunting for my lovin'
But I crave us hugging
Yeah stay stubborn
'Cause I can't admit that you got all the strings
And know just how tug 'em

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