Day of the Dance

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~WARNING: I do not own any video in this chapter. Many videos to come in this chapter because of the dance, performances and songs to sing so...ENJOY!!~

Ahh, the day of the dance. I spread the news everywhere! Everyone was going to go!

Some parents even.

So I did what every rational, weird ass, teenager would do. I dragged my ass out of bed even though I didnt want to.

I grabbed by backpack and threw random ass clothing and snuck into Levis room.

He was sleeping. I woke up early. I grabbed his duffel bag and looked at him sound asleep.....sound....asleep...

A huge grin appeared on my face.

Payback bitch.

I tip-toes up to his bed and leaned into his ear.

I waited for the right time and unplugged his alarm clock so he wouldnt wake up to it.

Then when the time was right...


He jumped out of that bed so fast, he couldnt stand. He fell right to the floor! I burst out into laughter.

"Hey! What the hell?!"

Oh...sorry...i was just getting you back for those times you woke me up. Payback bitch. By the way I need to use your. duffel."

"Hey wait!"

I ran out of his room and into mine and shoved the outfits for the crew into it, including black pants, half tops, and combat boots for the girls, ~Picture above~, and White t-shirts, mens high tops and black jeans for the guys.

I shoved my make-up in the bag and Levi came into my room.

While shoving things we need for the dance crew, I look at him.

"Yes, Mr. Grumpy pants?"

"Mom and dad are gonna be out most of the day. They told me to tell you that they'd show up at the dance like half an hour than its supposed to start."

"Ahh ok,"

I stood up. "It makes sense though. Kuchel did propose to her last night so...can you hand me that make-up bag please?"

He grabbed it and passed it my way.

"You know. you have never once called him dad."

I stopped shoving things in the bag to look at him then I looked down at the bag and put more things in the bag.

"I guess I dont really see him that much of a father yet."

"I call mom, mom"

I roughly shoved a pair of combat boots in the bag. "Well thats you not me."

He looked confused as to why I was all of a sudden upset.

"Sorry its just...with my dad and the divorce and how it hurt her Im just a little worried."

He got up and grabbed a pair of high tops and ut them in the bag.

"I understand, I mean it must have been heartbreaking."

I smiles. "Yeah bit Im not my mom so I wouldnt know."

He looked at me confused.

"He was never really around when they were still married so I never attached to him like you are to Kuchel."


"You two are up early"

We both looked over to see mom and Kuchel.

Oh So Stubborn ~ Eren x Reader {-Modern AU-}Where stories live. Discover now