You Make My Day Worse

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~Ello Reader! In some chapters from here on out will have French in it. Im sorry for any french you cant read.~

Years later

I woke from my slumber by an annoying yell.

"Oi! Were gonna be late for the first day!! Wake up brat!"

I threw my blanket off my head.

"Do you have to call me brat every time you wake me up?!" By this time I was sitting up.

"Just get up!" Levi stomped away.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, making my way to the closet.

I threw on a pair of shorts a hat and a hoodie. I got my high tops on and put triangle earrings on. Leaving my hair down I threw my bag over my shoulder and grabbed my skateboard.

I walked out the door and slid down the rail of the stairs.


As I walked past the fridge, I grabbed a bowl and spoon and placed them on the table while he got the cereal. I swooped the cereal out of the fridge and threw it to him. He caught it and I grabbed classes as he poured cereal and milk.

We ate breakfast and chugged out water, then ran to the door.

"Oh you two are up early"

"Oh yeah. we didnt want to stress you. By the way! breakfast is ready for you and dad" I nodded in agreement to what Levi said. Then we rushed out the door.

"Have fun you two!"

We wave and jump in the car and head to school early.


Once we got there just as Levi was slowing down, i jumped out.

"Oi brat be careful!!"

I gave him a small salute with two fingers and made my way over to the group.

"Hey! You actually got up!"

I smacked the back of Connies head.


We talked about Marco moving. He moved this day two years ago. No-one talked to him since.

We all hung out then went to class.


We were in class for like, ten, fifteen minutes when i remembered that I filled my pockets full of candy corn pumpkins. A smirk grew on my face.

Jean sat next to me in biology. He saw me pop one in my mouth and chuckled which, caught everyone's attention.

Mr. Smith looked up from his desk. Our faces went strait. He looked back down at his, I took another one and popped it in my mouth. When it smacked against my tooth, Jean couldnt even.

He snickered as the rest of the class held there laughter.

"Who's laughing?"

Mr.Smith looked up sternly. Jean stops and covered the fact it was him.

My squad was silently laughing after he looked back at his paperwork. The whole class was actually. Once again I pulled one out and everyone was watching Jean and me.

I threw it in the air and tried to catch it in my mouth. It didnt work.

It missed and it slammed down on the desk. I let out a snort and Jean lost it.

Oh So Stubborn ~ Eren x Reader {-Modern AU-}Where stories live. Discover now