A Friendly Deed

441 11 9

The weekend is now over and I am dead. I really dont want to go back to school tomorrow.


"Go away."


"Gooo away"



I threw my pillow at him and he fell to the floor.

He picked up the pillow and started smacking me with it. 

"Oh you fucker!"

I picked up my other pillow and we began a pillow fight.

He was in a very playful mood. I smacked him in the face, knocking him down.

"Ha I win! What cha doin today?"

"Hangin with my friend"

"Can I come?"


"What? Why not?"

"Because I said no. Be a normal teen for once and hang out with your friends."

"One Im super offended that you call me normal, and two there all busy."

I crossed my arms and pouted."Then stay here or...greet the new neighbors that just came in, ya know. Help em out. Im off. Bye (Y/N)."

"What ever!!"

He left and I changed into a cut up back design shirt with shorts and thigh high tights with my black combat boots. I threw my (H/L) (H/C) into a messy low side bun.

I walked downstairs and out the door shortly after Levi left. I made my way down the street to the new folks house. Walking up the steps of there house I took a deep breath, and knocked. A girl my age opened it.

"Heyo!! Im (Y/N) I live just down there!"

I pointed down the block at my house.

"I just came to welcome you to the neighborhood!"

She smiled.


"Who is it?"

"A girl that lives in the neighborhood welcoming us! Hey you wanna come in?"

"Yeah sure! I can help you guys out!"

She let me in.

"Im Ally, by the way."

"Nice to meet you Ally!"

I smiles and two people came down greeting me with a nice smile.

"Hello there, Im Jessie, Allys mom and this is her dad, Marcus"


I smiled. 

"Hello! Im (Y/N)."

"Say (Y/N) you can take ally here and show her around town! Get to know each other better."

She gasped.

"OOO Can I?! (Y/N)? Mom and dad? Please?!" Everyone was in agreement and Ally and I jumped in the air with joy. She changed and we were off.


We were walking around in a mall with ice cream in hand.

"Favorite hobby?"


"OOh me too! I love dancing!"

"Yay! Ok, my turn. Your intake on pop, country and kpop."

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