Applications 'N' Crap

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I locked my self in my room, isolating myself from the world that holds many things.

One of those things being Kuchel.

A day off can be a day of horror. Mom, Levi, and Kuchel were down in the living room laughing. I, however, had my future in mind.

I tried to concentrate when Kuchel laughed loudly. And when I say loudly I mean he was loud as fuck.

I blasted the song, 'A Paper Crown' so I didnt hear him anymore. I was applying for collage. So far I applied to four and I was almost done applying to Frances 'Chorégraphie de musique' collage and I was going to apply to Japans 'Ongaku furitsuke' until someone knocked.

"Whats up?"

"Its Eren. Why....why is your door locked?"

"So Kuchel dosnt get in."

I set my computer down, got up and went over to the door and unlocked it. Eren came in and I shut the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Applying to collages"

"I thought we were doing that together."

I looked up from the computer.



"Well....did you bring your laptop?"


I snorted slightly.


"....I-I lost it."

"Aww no you didnt left it here."

I reached under my bed and grabbed his blue laptop.


He took it and looked though it sighing in relief.

"How did you get those pictures of me by the way?"

He shifted his glance quickly, keeping his head still.

" o-of you? Whaaaaat?"





We sat down on the bed and started applying.

After a while Kuchel opened the door.


I threw a pillow in his face. Eren looked really confused.

The pillow dropped and he stood still while I stared at my computer.

"I was about to say-"

I threw my other pillow at him, cutting him off again.

"(Y/N) I swear-"

"Dont swear. Its not nice. Now give me my pillows back and get out."

I reached my hand out like a toddler that wanted up.

He threw the pillows at me knocking my computer off my lap and onto the floor.

I have never seen Eren get up so quickly because he did and he grabbed my computer. He looked at it and had guilt fill up his face like the soda in soda crush.

I ran over to check the computer and sure as shit the whole thing shattered. I glared through Erens arms and dashed at him.

And screamed. 

Oh So Stubborn ~ Eren x Reader {-Modern AU-}Where stories live. Discover now