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After talking to Beth in the hospital, I gave her my phone number and we made plans for the apologies to everyone in the school.

It was now a week later and I had invited Beth over for a sleepover because why not.

I had Marco, Addie, Armin, and Ally over and while they played the game on my tv I worked on the case. 

"Hey, (Y/N)! Come play a match!"

"No no its ok. You guys play."

I was looking at a map that literally wrapped around me like a little dome.

"Woah (N/N) where are you?"

Marco peeked over the side of the map. I was lightly marking places on it where she last was and where she could be. "Oh. What are you doing?"

"Mapping out places. Something you wouldnt understand."

"Bet me. Let me see."

He stepped over the edge and was now in the dome-oh-map with me. I continued putting dot on places.

"What are these for?"

He pointed at the red dots one by one.

"These are places my sister was last seen."

"Sister? So that whole rooz thing in the hospital wasnt a lie?"


The door opened.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Get out!"

"Go run to you dad!"

Marco and I peek out to see Armin in shock and Addie and Ally yelling at Beth.


I quickly bolted out of the map, Marco following after.

I got in between the two raging dance-chicks.

"It ok! Its ok! Beth has something to say to all of you."

I walked over to Beth and grabbed her shoulders, pushing her slightly to them.

"A-ah right! Um...A-Armin...Im sorry for calling you a nerd, pushing you around, and shoving books in your face. Addie and Ally. Im sorry for telling you guys you were horrible dancer. You arnt you guys are really great! Marco. Sorry for being an ass when you tried to protect everyone you love. Most of all Im sorry for being a bitch and I really hope you all will forgive me."

She slightly bowed. I smiled at everyone widely. Armin put his hand on her shoulder and Marco smiled.

"Of course we forgive you! Thanks for the sorry!"

She smiled and Addie and Ally looked like they wernt buying it.

"IIII dont think so kiddo! You wish wed forgive yo-"

I smacked there heads and they began rubbing them while a quiet 'Ow' escaped there mouths.

"Do you two even know how HARD it was for her to do this?! She was afraid she was gonna get her face ripped off by everyone! Especially you two! Now do you forgive her or not?"

They looked at each other then at Beth and nodded in defeat.

"Yeah. Yeah we forgive you."

I crossed my arm in success.

"Though so. See Beth? You had nothing to worry about! Now....now you just have to say sorry to the whole school."

She rubbed the back of her neck.

Oh So Stubborn ~ Eren x Reader {-Modern AU-}Where stories live. Discover now