Drama Prolouge

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When 18 year-old Miranda Lytle was younger, she was best friends with Robbie Kay. Little did she know that when they grew up, he would turn into an absolute jerk. For 2 years, Robbie bullied Miranda and even got people to beat her up.

He finally moved in the summer of 8th grade and I'm guessing you know how happy Miranda felt. She swore to herself she would never let him hurt her again. She lost the glasses, braces, and weight so no one would have a reason to make fun.

Once she fully regained her popularity her parents tell her their moving. They tell Miranda shes going to a fancy boarding school for the next few years. They drop her off at the entrance and Miranda couldn't wait to look inside.

Who would've thought as soon as she walked in, she spotted the boy she grew up with.

Robbie Kay.

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