Chapter 1 -In the begining.

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Chapter one.

I ran up to my older brother Jacob at the window and joined him in peeking at our new neighbours moving in.

"Do you think they have kids?" I asked him smiling brightly.

"I can't see any yet but I hope so." He replied smiling back at me.

Just then a little boy around our age came out of the house next door carrying some trucks and cars. He sat in the garden and started driving them around in the dirt. Jake and I raced each other to the front door so we could go over and talk to him.

"Jacob, come and pick these toys up now. I'm not going to tell you again." Our mom called from upstairs.

I smiled at the thought that I would get to meet the boy first. I never came first in anything between me and my brother, he was always the fastest, strongest, smartest one of us two, and I always came second.

Jacob turned around and pulled a face at me before running up the stairs, I pulled a face back then giggled and ran out the door; I knew I wouldn't have much time before Jake came over after me.

I ran over to the fence that divided our yards and peeked over at the boy giggling. He had black hair that fell down across his brown eyes. He looked up surprisd.

"Hi." I greeted him with a smile.

"Hi, do you live over there?" He asked looking over at our house, I nodded.

"Whats your name?" i Asked.

"Tyler, whats yours?"

"My names Hayley."

He smiled at me "Do you want to come and play?" My eyes widened in excitement before I ran around the fence to his side. Tyler handed me a shiny red car "That one's my favourite but you can play with it" he told me smiling, I smiled back at him then knelt down in the dirt and started to push around the small red car.

After a few minutes we were laughing about one of his old teachers he was telling me about.

"Hey you didn't wait for me." Jake said coming around to kneel next to us in the dirt, he looked at a confused Tyler and added. "I'm Jake, Hayley's older brother."

"I'm Tyler." Tyler told Jake smiling.

"Do you know anyone yet...? I mean do you have any friends here yet?" Jake asked.

"No, not yet." Tyler shook his head.

"Well we can be your friends; I can be your best friend if you want?" I chimed in happily, Tyler's face lit up as he smiled and nodded his head excitedly.

"No, Tyler you can't have a girl as your best friend." Jake said.

"And why not?" I asked pouting and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because Hayley, girls can't do a lot of things and whenever they try they always fall over and cry like big babies." I pouted some more.

"Girls can do everything boys can do, maybe even better!" I huffed.

"Na, you cant whistle or tie your shoes or ride a bike without training wheels." jake told me making tyler laugh.

I stood up putting my hands on my hips.

"You boys are so stupid!" I told them pulling a face.

"And your just a big baby." Jake replied with the same face i was pulling, making tyler laugh again.

In a quick move i kicked the dirt they were sitting in, into their faces and ran back to our house and up to my mom latching on to her leg.

"I hate Boys they are so mean!" She bent down and hugged me to her side and smiled at me knowingly.

PetaMinter © 2015

First of all i would like to thank each and everyone of you for even reading this, i love all comments good and bad so dont be shy!

Dont forget to vote, comment and follow xx.

Sorry it is short, this is just a starter page, the other chapters are longer. :)

Photo of Hayley and Tyler off the the right from when they were kids to when they are teens!

Also check out the book trailer i made also to the right, i am in love with it!


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