Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen.

[two days later]

Pinning back my hair i took in the reflected person looking back at me from the mirror who looked so much like me, i looked nothing like how i felt deep inside. i feel like i have this never ending black abyss inside of me and inside of it are so many negitive thoughts and the shattered ruminants of my broken heart, i was mad at Adam but most of all i was mad at myself for being so darn pathetic. I should'nt have showed him he was breaking me, i should have covered it up and pretended it hadn't bothered me at all.

Too bad i wasn't thinking about that while he was hacking at my heart with a cleaver...

Hugging Tyler and ugly crying all over his shoulder was making me feel even more pathetic and stupid. I can just imagine what he's going to say at school today...

I had a plan though.

After what happened i gave myself Sunday to wallow alone in my room but now its Monday and i have to pull my self together and focus on school.
Adam was just a boy, i cant let a silly little breakup take over my life. Brown wont take me if i do and I'm not ruining the rest of my life on him, eye on the prize Hayley.

grabing my bag i closed my bedroom door and went downstairs.

Mom stood at the stove cooking breakfast, she never did this unless she knew something was seriously wrong in someones life, like dad getting fired last year or when Jake broke his leg a few years ago and was scared he would never be alowed to play sports again or when she obviously knew i had just been dumped. My eyes lazily met Tylers as he sat at the kitchen table next to Jake eating their bacon and eggs. I raised my eyebrows at him accusingly before looking back at mom holding out a plate of food to me, mumbling that i wasn't hungry i walked out of the house.

Typical of him to blab his mouth, he just can't stop him self.

"Hayley, wait." Tyler called getting up from the table and following me out of the house.

He caught up to me quickly.

"Didn't you hear me calling you?" He asked keeping pace with me as I started my long walk to school.

"I did, I just didn't care." I don't care about much lately, I don't even have the energy to get mad at him.

"Okay then. Uhh how are you feeling? You know about umm the other night?"

"None of your business."

"I'm just trying to help Hales." I sighed, turning to him.

"Look Dr.Phil I don't need your help, I never asked for it, you wouldn't even know what I am feeling because you have never actually been in a relationship, what advice could you give me that my moms not gonna tell me later all thanks to you I might add, do you ever keep anything to yourself or do you just flap your gums to anyone who listens?"

"Wow, here's a question for you. Do you always just assume the worst from everyone or is it just me?" Crossing his arms across his chest he stood defensive.

"Pretty much the latter." Pulling my lips into a thin line I just looked at him as he looked away, bit his lip and shook his head.

"Well I didn't tell your mother, she saw the whole thing for herself, I was just the person who gave you a shoulder to cry on, I have been trying to be nice to you, to help you, to be your friend but nothing is working, whatever if you want to be all alone then fine, you got it." He stormed ahead of me in the direction of school.

"Hey! You were the one who started our rivalry, you don't get to be the one who ends it too!" I yelled out to him. Turning he walked back up to me and stopping so close that if he lent in we would brush noses.

"So what, I was a stupid kid who had a laugh at someone's expense, yea it was shitty but I apologised for it and even still after that every time I came over I always wanted you to come and play but you always ran into your room and slammed the door, I may have started it but YOU were the one who kept it going."

"You liar, you never apologised! All you ever did was pull on my pig tails and call me stupid names like gum drop and cupcake!"

"Your brother was the one pulling your pig tails you again just always assumed I was because I was always with him when he did it." He ran his fingers through his hair frustrated. "Why are we even fighting about this? We were kids, I grew up maybe you should do the same instead of acting like a spoilt little brat."

"It beats being a dim witted jock pin head all wrapped up in a douch bag!" Yea I was name calling.

"That's what I mean! Grow up Hayley and get over yourself."

"Stop telling me to grow up!"

"I wouldn't have to if you just acted your age!"

Growling in anger I pushed him away from me and turned and walked away ignoring what ever he was saying. That boy infuriates me!

I knew I was acting childish, I also knew he was right I should get over it but I just cant. Stupid girl brain!

Getting to school with five minutes to spare I went to find Becca.

In school I wouldn't call myself popular or even not popular, knew a lot of people, that's what happens when you grow up in the same town, you meet everyone in preschool. I had a decent size of friends and a small circle of good friends, only problem is they are all Adams friends too... I don't want people to pick sides or anything, I'm not that type of person. I have all the confidence Adam and I will work it out enough to be friends at least I just don't really want to run into him yet, the wound is still too fresh.

Finding Becca was easy, she was leaning against my locker waiting for me, sighing I slowed my pace and emotionally got myself ready for her.

Looking up at me her face instantly dropped and her eyes filled with so much sympathy I thought she was going to cry, and you know if my best friend cries then I cry and it just turns into this ugly cry fest and no body wants to see that believe me, when we were thirteen the girls at summer camp picked on us all summer because we ugly cried when Becca got her period and we both thought she was going to die, you think parents would tell you that kind of thing right? Well not ours, we had to find out what was happening from the camp owner Mr. Browns. One word. Awkward.

"Are you okay?" Becca asked me before engulfing me in one of the most delicate hugs, it was like she was afraid she would break me.

"Yea I'm fine, really just don't want to talk about it, I just want to pretend nothing happened so I can go about my day." Becca gave me a look of understanding before she nodded her head and patted me on the back one last time.

"So, for this stupid performing arts project we have to do, can't I just like dress up like a tree and you know sway a bit?" Becca hated the spot light, if it were up to her she would blend into the walls. Weird since she's an athlete.

"Even if you were the best darn tree in the history of tree swayers I would literally kill myself for being a terrible friend for allowing you to do that, so no you can't be a tree."

"You suck big hairy man balls." She pouted.

"You mean like your dads?" I asked teasing her. She looked mortified before pushing me away.

"Eww, you are so gross Hayley!" I just laughed at her.

Sorry for not uploading for a month, I know I am a horrible person!

But to be honest, this months been hectic so here's a list of crappy things that have happened.

Writers block
My dog had to be put down
My cat has to be rehomed
My kids dad is being the biggest douch bag known to man!
I found my birth father
He doesn't want anything to do with me.
And I visited old friends which was good up until It brought back memories of my second mum who died 4 years ago..

So yes I am sorry but life does get in the way.

I love you all and I no you will understand.

Xo Peta

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