Chapter 22: Perfect to un-perfect

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"I dont think we should be doing this..." I held Tylers arm as we walked up the stairs towards Jakes door.

"Its going to come out eventually hales, better if he hears it from us first."

"I know but that doesnt mean he has to know right now does it?" I tugged on his arm, trying to pull him away from jakes door.

"Yes it does... its going to be ok, he will be mad in the begining but he will warm up to it, dont worry."

"I know your his best bud and you feel like you know him like the back of your hand but im his sister and all im thinking about is how quickly that cat can eat away at my decomposing body when jakes through with our news..."

Tyler looked at me confused. I shook my head.

"Long story... dont tell Jake!"

"Dont tell me what?" Both mine and tylers heads snapped toward an awaiting Jake at the top of the stairs, arms crossed, eyebrows raised and glaring at both of us knowingly. Oh crab balls!

Tyler looked back at me and shrugged his shoulders as if to say 'might as well poke the bear' glaring at him i squeezed his arm as hard as i could but he just shugged it off and looked back at Jake.

"Well man.. I need to tell you something."

Oh god!

"Yea uhh... tylers decided hes gonna go back to his place so yea say goodbye." I tugged Tylers arm almost pleading for him to come with me.

"Ah okay i get it, one house to screw in isnt good enough for yous so now you need two?" I froze staring up at jake who now was clearly gonna tear our heads off.

"No its not like that, Hales and i..."

"Hales and i?!" Looking at me now his face softened, something i have not seen in many years. "Do you really think he likes you? Do you think that he will change for you? What is it and i will give you your answer about it, he doesnt want you, why would he?" My eyes started to fill with tears, the sincerity of his words cut deep into my subconcious where all those questions already lay, i didnt feel good enough and i had no clue what he saw in me or what he wanted from me. Jakes face went hard again as he glared at me like a bug he wanted to squash. "Just look at you, you're pathetic!"

"Dont speak to her like that!" Tyler pulled me closer to his side as the first tear slipped from my eye.

"I'll speak to her however i want!" Jake countered.

"Not while im around." Tyler seamed calm but every word that escaped his mouth was dripping with venom. Jake nodded his head in understanding.

"You see what you have done now Hayley?" I shook my head and thought obout darting for my bedroom door as jake started to raise his voice. "You have come in between two friends and fucked shit up! You're a peice of shit hayley and i hope you fucking." His words were cut off when Tyler grabed him by the shirt and threw him against the wall knocking the air out of him.

"I told you not to speak to her like that!"

Jake shoved tyler back viciously before tyler threw the first punch coliding with Jakes cheek bone.

What have i done? Jake was right i just destroyed a life long friendship... now they are beating the crap out of each other over me... this is all my stupid fault!

Turning i ran down the stairs, out the door and down the street as fast as my legs could go...

Tears streaked my face, ice cold against the windy night air.

Finally slowing to a walk i pulled out my phone and searched through my contacts for becca's number. She answered after three rings.

"Hey hun, whatcha doin?"

"Hey can i come over?"

"Sure.. whats wrong?"

"I'll tell you when i get there." Ending the call i started to jog toward her house, the only thing going through my head was the replay of Jake and Tyler in a full on fist fight.


"So you just left them like that?" Becca asks when im finished telling her what happened.

"Seriously becs what was i suposed to do?" Becca shook her head and shruged her shoulders.

Music caught both of our attention and we both looked to her bed where her phone was lit up and ringing. Before i could even glance at the caller id Becca snatched it up from the bed and held it to her chest looking at me funny.

"Whos that?" I asked curious as to why she was acting so weird.

"Oh umm it's just my dad... i'll be right back." With that she left her bedroom shutting the door behind her.

"Okay..." that was weird..

Letting out a deep breath i got up from her desk chair and went over to Beccas massive CD collection.

After going through about two shelves i finally settled on one i liked. 'Halsey'

The music started and became a nice distraction from my night so far.

How could a perfect first date go so horribly wrong?

Becca came back in the room tucking her phone into her pocket.

"Hows our favorite guy going?" Becca looked at me shocked.

"What?" She asked.

"How's your dad going?" She instantly relaxed.

"Oh yea hes good. Halsey hey?"

"You know me... cant pass up a chance to listen to Ashley's amazing voice."

"Yea.." she giggled nervously...

"Becs why are you acting so weird?"

Looking at me again i could see that my question was something she didnt want to talk about, still she scrambled for something to say, opening her mouth and closing it again small sounds coming out but stoping again.

Three knocks came on her bedroom door before it opened showing becca's mom.

"Hayley hun, you have someone waiting at the front door for you." I looked at becca once more before thanking her mom and making my way to the front door.

"Hales, are you okay?" Tyler looked as bad as i felt, black eye prominent even in the dark of night.

"Im fine but look at you." My hands flew to his face surveying the damage. Wincing a little he laughed and wraped his arms around my waist.

"You should see the other guy." He joked before he realised that the joke wasnt so funny.

I pushed his arms away and took a step back.

"I cant do this Tyler, you're my brothers best friend and thats the way it should stay... you need to fix things with him and forget we ever happened."

"What? No i cant pretend nothing is happening between us, i wont. I want you in my life Hayley in every way humanly possible not just as my next door neighbour or my best friends sister but as the person who consumes my whole being!" He reached out to take my hand but i reluctantly pulled back.

"You dont have a choice in this, it only takes one person to end a relationship and thats what im doing... im sorry." Turning i ran all the way home, locking myself in my room i dreaded my decision until i fell asleep.

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