Chapter Thirty

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It's been five years since the school opened up, it was an amazing feeling to know that I'm helping so many people with who they are and how to control it and use it in a good way. Over the years, the school has had a few problems, a few angry parents- they were furious that I supposedly turned their kids against them even though they had kicked their kids out- , a few students who refused to use their abilities for good, and we even had a teacher who was caught taking advantage of students-I don't even remember hiring the teacher- but that is all in the past now.

Scott and I now had three children of our own, it was hard for me at first- to be intimate with him that is- after the incident at the asylum with the doctor, well lets just say I had anxiety and suffered for PTSD now. I was getting better, but that will always be a part of me, I will never be the girl before all that happen. In a way I guess I'm kind of glad all that happened- I don't mean to sound weird or say that being raped was good for me or that I enjoyed it, cause it was horrible and will always be scared- but it made me who I am today. I have an amazing (Sexy as fuck) mate, three beautiful children (Who by the way are my precious angels and if anyone dares to hurt them, I'll kill you very slowly for it.) , and I have an amazing family. The school are my family, uncles, aunties, grandmas, grandpas, cousins, siblings, and all the students are like my children (none are actually blood family, but you know when you're so close to someone that they are automatically your family and you'd do anything for them? That's these guys.), and of course my parents, Ellie, Simon, Jacob, Maya, Lana-Belle, Eddy (Scott's dad, gasp right? I'll explain soon.), and Thomas were all here with me too. I was grateful for every one of them, my whole families joined together, working together, helping each other.

Okay so Eddy, I will explain for you..... When Lana-Belle showed up almost five and a half years ago, Scott refused to tell me why he hated her so much, why he never told me about her, why he didn't talk to her. It turned out that.... well do you want the short story or the long story? I hope you said long because you're about to get it.... Lana-Belle and Scott were born in 1509 to Sally and Edward Memphis. Sally was a human mated to Edward, a wolf. Like all mates, they fell madly in love. Some said they were over the top, others said it was something they wish they could have. From their love their twin children were produced and gained the wolf gene from their father. But Edward, he wasn't in the most stable mind frame back then. Many wars were going on,  Edward felt the need to make his precious children indestructible. So he started experimenting. It was harmless things at first, herbs and natural things. But the war only got worse, Edward panicked and kidnapped a witch. He beat her until she told him the one thing that would make these twins indestructible, death. They would have to die and be reborn, and all it took was blood and a simple snap of the neck. And Edward being the desperate man he was, he tried to feed his children the blood of the innocent villagers that lived around them, but the witch said they didn't have the right blood in their systems. Only on her death bed did she tell Sally that the only blood that could protect the twins was the blood of a vampire. Sally obviously thought she was joking and withheld this from her husband for many weeks, until a vampire broke into their house, craving the sweet sent of blood that the twins had. Sally made a deal with the vampires, they could have her blood if they agreed to sit down with her husband and help their children. Vampires being vampires, they agreed. Edward came home a few hours latter to find the twins locked in their rooms and his wife bleeding out on the dining table as vampires sat surrounding her, waiting for Edward. The vampires agreed to turn the twins and told Edward the deal they had made with Sally. Edward dragged Lana-Belle and Scott out of their room, Lana-Belle was a poise child who went with her father without a complaint; Scott on the other hand, he went kicking and screaming. The children saw their mother laying on the table and things changed, Lana-Belle started screaming, and Scott didn't even make a sound. But Scott's silence was proof that his pain was worse than his sisters as his mother was his everything. The vampires made it a painless transition for the twins, they were the first hybrids, and they will forever be special. But this wasn't enough for Edward, no, having lost his wife and his children now no longer producing their own blood; he saw death as his only escape. That night he went back into the dining room and lay on the table where his wife had bleed out only hours earlier, he slit his throat with a dagger. Lana-Belle burst in, having smelt blood. She knelt down next to her father and bit into her wrist, holding the wound against his mouth. He died seconds later and was reborn as a hybrid. Many years past and Scott left home, furious at his father for having been the reason his mother died. Scott believed that if Edward had just accepted that they all might die in the war then Sally would have never sacrificed herself to make Edward happy. Scott went centuries without talking to his father, and only rarely talking to his sister. But as time went on Scott began to hate Lana-Belle too, he thought that because she had turned him and stuck by him for so many years that she didn't care about their mothers death or that Edward had driven Scott away. So eventually he iced both of them out, not speaking to any of them. Scott was no longer Scott Memphis, he changed his name to Scott Hamilton- his mothers maiden name.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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