Chapter Twenty-Five

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Pain burned through my body, it was different to the burning from my stomach. My heart was burning, it felt like it was melting. My skin felt like it was crawling with creep-crawlies. It felt like my blood was hardening, turning to stone or ice. My whole body was in pain. Everything hurt, from head to toe, arm to arm, etc. It was like no pain I have ever experienced before, I wish that pain on nobody. I couldn't hold back the screams as the pain only got worse. My eyes felt like they were going to explode, my eardrums too.

Memories flooded into my brain,  my name, who I was, my family.... my mate. Scott.... Oh Scott. I tried to focus on him, but soon it got to hard to focus on anything but the pain.

He had married her, the one he loves. He really didn't love me. He never will love me. He has her, and I'm locked up in a mental hospital. He sent me here, he's the one who lied to them about who I was and where I'd come from. He was the one who told them I was crazy, that I had schizophrenia and hallucinations. He found me after I'd tried to kill myself, he told me he'd never leave me.... well look how that changed.

Flash back *Five years ago*

My eyes fluttered open every few minutes, everything was fuzzy. I had a horrible pain in my abdomen, I had stabbed myself. I forced my eyes open, waiting for the fuzzy to go away. 

A figure sat next to me, holding onto where I had stabbed myself. Scott. He was crying. "Tania, why did you do this to yourself?" He demanded, but I don't think he knew I was awake. "I love you Tania, I will always love you. Please don't leave me."

I wanted to die, I think to myself. I wouldn't dare say it out loud to him, he doesn't need to know that I tried to kill myself because of him, I'm stronger than that. Can he just let me die?

"Scott baby." A voice wined coming down the ladder.

I rolled my head slightly to see the woman he had walked into my house with, his love.

Scott jumped to his feet, his face changed. He no longer looked upset, he looked amused, happy even. 

Was his tears just an act? Did he not care if I died? He was happy that I tried to kill myself?

The woman kissed Scott for a long hard few minutes, I couldn't help but whimper at seeing that. She pulled away and turned to look at me. "Oh look who's awake." She smiled, a harsh smile.

Scott started laughing. "You're so pathetic." He spat at me. "You pathetic little bitch."

The woman cackled. "Nice one babe." She put her hand on Scott's shoulder. "Now, what should we do with her?" 

Scott sighed. "Kill her." He spat out venomously.

"Hmmm, as much as I'd love to I want to punish her. I want her to feel the worst kinds of pain, worse than anything Lucifer can inflict. And once she has endured that pain, or when I get bored of her, then we can kill her." The woman said.

Scott nodded in agreement. "As you please, my love."

I flinched at what he called her, making both of them laugh.

Scott carried me inside a very large scary building. Everyone was wearing white, all the wall, floors, and furniture were white too. 

The woman, I learned her name to be Lamia, she walked slightly a head of us. She walked up to the front desk.

"Hi, how can I help?" A man in scrubs asked.

Lamia turned to Scott. "Would you like to explain honey?" She asked.

I felt Scott nod. "This is Ava, she is eighteen, and she has suffered a mental breakdown. She seems to be having schizophrenic episodes and hallucinations. We found her in a alley way, all by herself. She has no family nor friends." Scott said simply.

The man nodded. "She will be in good hands here."

Lamia smiled at Scott before walking over to the man and running her fingers through his hair. "What do you like to do to your patients?" She asked.

His face strained. "I... look after them." It sounded like he was struggling to say it.

"LIE!" Lamia screamed loudly. "Now doctor, tell me the truth. It stays between just us." She said sweetly.

His face darkened. "I like to screw them and use them for my benefits." His voice was no longer strained.

He's joking right? This is all one big fat horrible joke, it has to be.

"Good, well feel free to use... Ava... as you please." Lamia said before turning around, smirking at me and walking outside.

Scott set me in the doctor's arms before following Lamia outside..... They never came back to tell me that this was all some joke.

The doctor walked me into a room and ripped my clothes off.......

Flash back over

I screamed louder as the pain got worse. I felt like I was crying, but all I could smell was the metallic smell of blood.

Where was the blood? Was I bleeding? No I couldn't be, I wasn't injured.

My screams continued to fill the room, only getting louder.

The door to my room flung open, and in walked the doctor. His eyes narrowed at me. "Well it looks like this is our last time together." He said coldly before ripping my clothes off.

I tried to cover myself with my hands, but my hands and feet were soon cuffed to the bed. My body was now fully open and on display. I whimpered as he put a gag in my mouth, stopping my screams. The pain in my body was still getting worse, but I was no longer focused on that, I was focused on the man pulling his pants down to his ankles.  

He smirked at me before sliding himself inside of me, causing me to try scream out for help. He thrust inside me many times, rough and hard, before pulling out and pulling my gag out of my mouth......

"No please no." I whimpered. "Please stop." 


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