Chapter Two

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We pulled up to Jacob's house, he needed to stop and grab a change of clothes for tonight since he was going straight from mine, Jacob was off to a mates to watch a football game that they'd been waiting for for a while. I waited for Jacob in the car while he quickly ran into his house. His mum waved at me from the door. I waved back and smiled. Jacob came back out within hugging his mum goodbye before jumping back into the truck. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "My mum miss you, she said to tell you to come over for a cup of tea sometime soon." 

I smiled at him. "Tell her to name the day and I'll be there." I loved spending time with his mum, she was like a second mum to me, I would go to her with all of my problems, and vise versa. My parents weren't around much so I could never have proper sit down with my mum and talk to her, if I wanted to talk to her about something I generally had to make an appointment.

"Consider it done, my lady. Shall we go?" He asked and smiled.

I nodded. "We shall." As we pulled out of the driveway I waved goodbye to Jacob's mum, Doris. I turned the radio up as Beyonce's Who Run's The World came on. I started belting out the lyrics, making Jacob start laughing and join in with me.

The ride back to my house went quickly. I got out of the car and walked up to the gate to shut it, a car zoomed past. It looked a lot like the car that was sat across the road from the library earlier. No it can't be, it's just another black car. I'm imagining things. This car isn't following me, it's just another black car.

A hand came to my shoulder making me jump and turn around startled.

A concerned looking Jacob stood there. "You okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "I'm fine." I said and finished shutting the gate.

"Tania, if this is about that guy from the library, then he was probably just some douche playing a dare game with his mates. He won't hurt you." He said pulling me into a loose hug.

I smiled and pulled back. "I'm fine Jake, honestly. He was just a random guy who was, as you said, playing a dare game with his mates." I said. But who was I trying to convince, me or Jake?

Jacob cupped my face in his hands. "If you are that worried I can stay home with you? I can record the game and we can watch some overly-dramatic rom-com?" He offered.

I smiled and shook my head. "I'm honestly fine. I'll order a pizza and watch some trashy movie or an action movie to get my blood pumping." I smiled.

Jacob and I walked inside and I ran up to my room, putting my bag of school books and the library books on my desk. I should probably do some of that tonight while Jacob is out. I walked back down stairs to see Jacob sitting on the couch writing something onto a notepad from his phone.

I sat down next to Jake and leaned my head on his shoulder. "What ya doing?" I asked, being the nosy person that I am.

Jake paused what he was writing and looked down at me. He kissed my forehead. "These are the number of the guy's I'll be with today, also the home line. If you can't get a hold of me and you need to speak to me at any point, call one of these numbers."

I smiled up at him. "You don't need to do that. I'll be fine. I've been fine every other time that you've left. I'll be to busy eating my well deserved pizza and writing my history paper. And maybe watching a movie or two." I smiled and got onto Jake's lap.

Jacob set the notepad, pen, and phone down next to us. "I know, but you were terrified today, anyone would have been scared if that happened to them. I just want to make you feel as safe as possible.

I kissed his lips. "I do feel safe, but thank you. I will hang the numbers on the fridge and I will call if I need you." I said before kissing his lips again.

He smiled. "Good."

We sat there for a while, just hugging. It must have been ten minutes latter when we finally pulled apart because Jake's phone was buzzing next to us. 

Jake gabbed his phone and the buzzing stopped. "That's my alarm to get on the road." He said kissing me once more.

I stood up, getting off Jake. "Drive safe, be good, have fun, and if you get scared you can call me." I smirked.

"Yes ma'am." He saluted and stood up.

"Good boy." I smiled.

Jacob handed me the notepad. "I'll see you later. Don't wait up. I have no idea what time I'll be back." He said and walked over to the door.

I pulled him into a quick hug. "Bye." I smiled.

"Bye." He smiled back.

After Jacob left I went into the kitchen and put the notepad onto the counter. I ran upstairs and grabbed my laptop, ordering my pizza online before starting to get to work on my history paper. 

After about an hour of working on my history paper, I decided I was thirsty and decided to go down stairs to grab a cup of tea. I boiled the jug and grabbed out a tea cup and a berry tea bag, putting it into my cup. I poured the boiling water into my cup before adding some cold water from the tap, so that I wouldn't burn my mouth on how hot it was.

A few minutes later a knock came to the door. I got excited and grabbed my wallet from up stairs before running back down to the front door, I was dying to get that pizza into my mouth and devour it. I opened the door and my wallet fell to the ground.

The man from the library stood at the door, holding my pizza, but he wasn't wearing a pizza uniform. I looked behind him to see the black car from the library parked in my driveway.

"Something wrong baby girl?" He smirked.





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