Chapter Nineteen

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I sob into my hands, the pain is still there. Why does it hurt so much?

"Jake, honey, maybe you sit down with us.... annnnd maybe stop with the yelling." Simon said slowly.

Jake sighed. "I'm sorry Tania." Jake took a few deep breaths before walking over to join Simon and I on the couch. Jake sat on my left, me in the middle, and Simon on the right. Jake leaned into me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I'm sorry about all this, I'm sorry he hurt you. I'm here for you though." He whispered in my ear. 

"How about we watch this movie?" Simon says clearing his throat. Simon turns on the movie.

My eyes slowly peeled open, I was in my bed. My blankets wrapped around me, warmth cocooning me. I looked up to see Simon and Jake, Simon was leaning in to Jake. Jake seemed to be frozen with fear. I smiled at them. When Simon's lips touched Jacobs, happiness washed over both of them. Jake's face went from happy to confused and angry. "Get off me! Fag!" Jacob shouts.

"Jake..." Simon starts, I can see the tears in his eyes.

"No! You might be some fag, but.... but I'm definitely not some f-fag!" He says defensively.

"Jacob!" I growl him.

Both Simon and Jake turn to face me. "I.... I didn't know you were awake... nothing happened!" Jake stutters out quickly.

"Jacob, you don't need to be embarrassed. It's fine. I don't care if you're gay..."

"Well I'm not!" Jake cuts in.

"...It doesn't matter if you are Jacob. I think you two would make a cute couple." I say and wink at Simon.

Jacob scowls at me. "How could you say that? You know I'm not some disgusting fag!"

I sigh and get up slowly. My body feels like its been sleeping for a century. "Jacob, I don't care if you are gay, sexuality doesn't define you."

He looks at me confused. "How could you think that of me? I fucked you, if I were gay I wouldn't have fucked you."

"Jakey..." Simon starts but soon earns a glare from Jacob.

"Don't Jakey me you fag!" Jacob sighs, frustraighted. "Look, Tania, as long as this fag is here, I'm not. So when he leaves, message me and i'll come straight over." Jake leaves my room and stomps down stairs.

I hear the front door slam and flinch. I collapse back onto my bed. It hurts so much to even stand, why is this?

"You okay?" Simon asks rushing over to me.

I sigh. "Are you okay?" I retort.

"Touche." He laughs slightly. Simon sits down next to me.

I sigh and lean my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry about Jacob."

Simon sighs. "Don't be, I understand. I'm mated to a homophobic." He laughs as if trying to lighten the mood.

"Simon, can I ask you something?" I hear myself asking, I hadn't even planned on talking.

"Ask away."

I sigh and close my eyes. "Why does it hurt to stand, to move, to think, to breath, to do anything and everything?" I ask.

Simon pulls away from me, looking worried. "When was the last time you fed?" He asked.

I looked at him confused. "I ate when we watched dirty dancing."

A small smile came onto his face. "I love how innocent you can be. But not that kind of feeding, when was the last time you drank blood?" He asked, still looking at me worried.

I sighed, trying to think back. "It was the morning that I went into school with.... S-Scott...." I say slowly. It even hurts to say his name, to think about him.

Simon sighed. "You need to feed." He says nodding.

I shook my head. "I'm fine."

Simon starts laughing like I told him a funny joke. "You look dead Tania, like honestly dead."

I roll my eyes at him. "Gee, thanks." I say sarcastically.


Tania was grey and her bones were starting to show through her skin. She looked, well dead was an understatement, but yeah she looked dead. I managed to find her a few bunnies. She drank them quickly, but she was now throwing up all the blood she had taken from them. I may have cussed a few times, or more than a few times. I mean seriously, she looked worse than dead and now she was throwing up blood..... Blood really ain't my thing, so I might or might not have almost fainted. I kinda had to leave the room, I feel so bad.

I knocked on the bathroom door. "Tan?" I said nervously.

I heard vomiting, okay so maybe she's not quite finished throwing up.

I sighed and walked back into her room. I saw her phone laying on her bed. I sighed. I knew what I had to do. I dialed the one number that she would have killed me for ringing. It picked up after three rings. "Hello?" 

"Uhhh, Uhhh, Uhhh..... Ohhhh Scott. Uhhhh..... Uhhhhhhhhh" A female moaned. "Scottttttt!" She moaned again.

"Wait. Oh FUCK!" The call ended.

How.... who.... what......No he wouldn't do this to her.

But he did break it off with her.

But why? I thought he loved her?

He did say he was cheating though. 

But why? Tania was a beautiful girl, and if I wasn't gay I'd probably want her, but how could he not want her???


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