Chapter Twenty-Seven

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My eyes fluttered slowly, warmth enveloped me. I felt light breathing on my neck, I couldn't help but smile. But where was I? The last thing I remember is.... is.... uhhh.... Scott.... and the doctor.... and the asylum.....

I shot up and my eyes widened. I looked around. I was in my bedroom, the room I haven't been in for five years. I looked in the bed next to me, Scott lay there sleeping, breathing lightly, his arms wrapped around my waist. 

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. I lay back down and buried my face in Scott's chest.

Scott moved under me. "Tania?" He mumbled.

I lifted my face out of his chest. "Hmm?"

Scott smiled at me. "Hi beautiful."

"Hi.... S-scott.... How did I get h-here?" I asked slowly.

Scott sighed. "I carried you princess, I had to get you out of there." His arms tightened slightly around me.

My mind is telling me to back away from him, he hurt us, he left us, and he let the doctor hurt us. But my body was doing the complete opposite to what my mind wanted though, it was pushing me closer against him, inhaling his sent, it was a if my mind was contradicting my body.

"Tania? Are you okay? Are you listening?" Scott's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

I looked up at him confused. "Huh?"

Scott chuckled. "I was just saying how much I miss you and how much I love you. I am honestly so sorry for what happen.... what I put you though.... what you had to endure. I will spent our lives trying to make it up to you. I love you and only you Tania, and I will do anything to prove that to you." Scott says and pulls me closer to him.

"I.... I.... Uhhh..." I started, but I honestly didn't know what to say, stupid brain.

"TANIA." A very cheerful voice said bounding into the room and jumping on the bed.

I turned around to see Klarissa. "Hi." I smiled at her.

"Tania, Tania, Tania." She said bouncing up and down.

I giggled and pulled her over to me. "How you doing little monkey?" I asked.

She smiled up at me. "Your mummy made me pancakes." 

"Did she now?" I smiled back down at her. "Did you save me any?"

Klarissa nodded quickly. "Yessssss. Your mummy said I had to share."

I started laughing, and felt Scott laughing beside me. "Well I'm glad you're open to sharing." I smiled.

"Klarissa, will you give Tania and I a minute alone?" Scott asked in a sweet voice, since when was he sweet?

Klarissa nodded before running out of the door.

I slowly turned back to Scott. "You okay?" I asked looking up at him.

He nodded. "I just wanted to see how much you knew about this Klarissa girl." He said slowly, as if unsure how I'd react.

I sighed. "She's a wonderful bright young girl who has had a tough life, she was born with non human abilities. Her whole family freaked out being their Christian bitchy selves and sent her to a mental asylum thinking that she had a demon in her. They shut her out and refused to visit. She grew up in there, she tries to help people when she can. When I first.... got there, I helped to raise her, she was only a baby. She was my everything, we looked out for each other." I paused and looked at Scott. "So I know her pretty well."

Scott pulled me into his arms. "You really are truly amazing."

I couldn't help but blush at his comment. I recovered within a few minutes and straightened my posture. "I want to help more kids like her." I say.

"How?" Scott asked. "There is no doubt quite a large number of kids who get shut out of their families because of what they are and what they can do."

I smiled at him. "Silly boy." I shook my head. "I want to open a home, a school. Teach them right from wrong, how to control themselves and what they can do. Provide them with a safe home and environment where they can be themselves. I would obviously need a few adults to help, adults who understand what these kids are going through and are willing to help them." I say simply.

Scott looked down at me, shock covering his face. "You really really are something truly amazing princess."


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