Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Scott and I were currently sitting in a relaters office, the lady was a friend of mums. She was an ex hunter, she was really nice and offered her full support about the idea I'd had a few weeks ago.

"That one's nice." Scott said pulling me out of my thoughts. "What do you think baby girl?"

I turned to face Scott. "Hmm?" 

Scott smiled and pulled me closer to him. "You zoned out again, didn't you?" He chuckled.

I nodded and blushed. "Sorry." I paused. "What's nice?"

"This house, well house is a far stretch. It's more of a barn." Jessica, the relater, said handing me a photo of a big red barn. "It's ten minutes outside of town, it has pull plumbing and plenty of storage." She said in a bright cherry voice.

I looked at the photo for a long time. I sighed. "How many rooms?" I asked, I was honestly so bored. We had been sitting here going through different houses for the past hour or two, or three.

Jessica smiled. "Seven large bedrooms, and it's for a really good price. It's only $789,000." She smiled brightly.

I almost chocked. She's kidding right?

"I think we will keep looking." Scott said, his voice strained and slightly high pitched.

I let out a deep breath. I stood up and walked around the room. I just needed to stretch. I walked over to a wall of properties. They all seemed to be small rural houses for shit tones of money..... Well all except for one, there was this old looking large building. It would obviously need some work, but something in me was screaming to buy it on the spot. "What about this place?" I asked pulling the photo off the peg line. I handed the photo to Scott.

 I handed the photo to Scott

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Scott looked up at me. "You sure?" He asked.

I nodded with a big smile on my face. "Pwease." I asked in a child's voice.

Scott chuckled and handed the photo to Jessica. "Tell us about this place." Scott said with a smile and pulled me onto his lap.

Jessica looked at the photo for a long while before looking up at us confused. She was looking at us like we had lost the plot, like we had gone bonkers and asked to move into a peach. "You.... you want this place?" She asked, trying to clarify.

I nodded. "What can you tell us about it?" I asked with a big smile.

Jessica sighed. "Well it had quite the history." She started. "A school was built in the early 1500's, it was a school for the troubled and rebellious, it was like juvie back then. It was rebuilt in the mid 1800's to be a hospital, but was shortly shut down when they got no patients. It's been abandoned ever since." 

I nodded and looked up at Scott. "What do you think?"

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I like it but what do you....."

"I love it." I smiled.

Scott pulled me closer. "It's settled then." Scott said before looking back up at Jessica. "We'll take it."

I squealed with excitement.

The next few months were chaotic. Scott and I were rebuilding the the property that we had gotten, Scott was very kind and payed for it. We were keeping the original structure, but replacing the rotted wood. Mum, Dad, Ellie, Simon, Jacob, Maya, and Thomas (He was the strange man sitting on my bed years ago, he was mated to Maya, and he was Ellie's younger brother.), they were all helping us with the rebuild, dad had even gotten some friends of his to help us with the harder things, plumbing, electrical, removing the creepy shit that all of us girls refused to touch. The boys teased us with it all, I may have threatened to kill them.....

I was having fun though, I was on my way to making a change.

The building was three hours away from any civilization, which was good because we don't want people reporting strange things that cannot be explained. It had an amazing property, large fields, large gardens, there was a massive old shed out the back which I wanted to turn into a pool house. Hey, people have to have some fun okay, this place isn't going to be like those strict schools, I want the kids to feel safe and happy here. Yeah, there will be rules, but not overly strict rules.

Klarissa wanted to help us, but I told her it was to dangerous and she was to young to help build a building. She understood, she was really good about all this. 

In all honesty, I was kinda stressed. Like what if things didn't work out? What if this was all for nothing? What if no one came? What if no one liked it?

Scott had reached out to his friends, trying to get some teachers, supervisors, helpers, and even people who can keep an eye out for kids who would fit in here.

I was grateful to have him, he was amazing and calming, he did so much for me and I wanted to repay him I just didn't know how. At night Klarissa and I would snuggle down in the tent (we all decided to camp up here rather than making a big long trip every day) and we would watch movies on the portable camp DVD player. It felt good to just focus on the movie and nothing else.

The house/school was coming along quite nicely, the outdoor walls were finished, painted a nice off white and the roofs were a dark grey. We had recently moved onto the indoor walls, pulling in insulation, power, and water pipes before closing up the walls.

I was due to go looking for furniture and things to decorate the place with. I was quite excited, I loved decorating my room growing up.

So this was going to be interesting.....


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