Melancholy Happy

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Melancholy Happy

{4 Weeks Passed}

"Close your eyes! Cover them bitch! I swear, if you peek..." Jack ordered with a grin and I rolled my eyes, but did as he said, with a smile on my face.

It had been four weeks since Jack had gone back to Canada. We were going really well, the first few chats were sullen but it got better.

We were really trying to make this long distance thing work. Sam and I were good buddies once again, although her and Luda nearly split up a week ago.

She seemed to be going through a lot of drama and I was glad that I could be there for her.

Jack had been happy to see all his friends again, and tell them of his relationship status.

Apparently they were all jealous because I'm gorgeous. I told Jack if he didn't stop lying, goblins would eat his penis.

He laughed, and said he loved me too.

To be truthful, I didn't know if the saying, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' applies to Jack and I but I could agree with it wholeheartedly.

I missed Jack incredibly, his Nan too. I had been helping her with her garden while her new help guy, who trailed behind her helplessly. She was worrying him, since her hip could give out at any moment.

As I was saying, I missed him. I could talk, and see him but I couldn't touch. I couldn't immediately turn to him beside me and share remarks, and by the time we talked, I forgot about what I wanted to talk about.

And my hormones weren't happy either, if you get my drift.

"Juliet! Look!" His voice broke my thoughts as I removed my hands and burst out laughing at the excited grin Jack wore and the beard beanie on his head.

"Oh dear lord, that is horrifying." I cried, covering my eyes again as he exclaimed in defence, "Hey! Don't sass the beard beanie! It's sexy."

"If you think that's sexy, then you have no idea what sexy is." I scoffed with more laughter, taking my hands away as he winked, still wearing that damn thing, "I call you sexy all the time."

"You're just proving my point." I give him a smirk, my special 'you are an idiot' one and he beams back, stroking his grey COTTON beard.

I stop smirking and take him in, he's in no-shirt -yum- and his skin is a bit pale. But he looks beautiful, the same Canadian Doctor that left. I want to reach out and kiss him, but it doesn't work.

He catches my silence and frowns when he sees my sad smiling face, "I miss you like crazy Jack."

Although these parts, aren't my favourite parts of the chat, it's needed. I needed to tell him and even though I hated seeing the look of sadness on his face, I pushed through it.

He smiled slightly at me, sadness and worry in his eyes and began saying, "Words can't explain how I miss you-" He was cut off by a body crash tackling him out of the chair and I jumped in shock.

Two cute guys, Jack's age popped up on the screen and grinned at me widely, "You must be the famous Juliet."

"Trent, fucking hell. Marcus, Jeff, don't talk to her." Jack swore as one of the guys who had light blonde hair and nice brown eyes hushed him and I asked confusedly, "Marcus, Jeff? Trent?"

Then it clicked, "Oh! Jack's friends!" I gave them a friendly smile, as the other guy who had no hair and gorgeous green eyes whistled, "You are even prettier than your pictures."

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