My Canadian Doctor

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My Candian Doctor

"Oh Juliet! You look beautiful!" Nan gushed, running up to me as I grimaced, shivering with disgust.

"Why do I have to wear a dress?"

"It's a formal dinner Juliet, a dress is a must." She tells me with a smile as Toby appears from nowhere. He stills when he sees me, before smirking, "You're wearing a dress."

"Don't remind me." I groan, as he laughs, "What's the special occasion?"

"Jack's grandmother has invited, myself, Juliet, Sam and Luda out to dinner. It's at the new Chinese place, the flashy expensive one."

"I took Layla there. Nice place. Definitely dress worthy." He agreed, leaning against the door frame with an amused smirk. After butchering Toby for some answers, I now know that Layla is twenty four, an eldery care nurse and has a sick fetish for dirty talk - the last one I did not ask for. I scowl at him momentarily, before taking my eyes back to my Nan who looks very pretty. I swear, you wouldn't notice she just turned fivty seven. She looked forty.

I don't tell her this of course, because she has a very similiar reaction to me, when people compliment her.

She hits me, most of the times on the head which I suspect is the fault of watching too much NCIS - she's in love with Gibbs but then again, who isn't - so I only compliment her, when I have a helmet, or full body protection. Lately, I have been using Jack. If I said she looked pretty today, he was always around for me to grab him rougly and pull him over to take the hit. I don't think he minds, he just laughs whilst Nan scowls me for using my boyfriend as a shield. But I didn't care, what else is he good for?

Making you horny, making you laugh, infuriating you to no end, sticking up for you- my subconscious starts to list off but I cut her off, not wanting to get into more detail of how amazing Jack is. And he is amazing. I don't know how but the little sucker, is too good for words. Sometimes. Then other times, I just want to headbutt him and push him into a wall. When I told him this, he simply replied with a knee buckling smirk and the words, 'If you headbutt me, I'll turn it into a kiss and I've always liked when a girl takes charge.'

Stupid Canadian.

It had been two days since the whole, 'girlfriend' fiasco. Sam and I had made up, much to Jack's annoyance but when I told him point blank, that I didn't hold grudges and I was going to give her a chance, he didn't argue. Honestly, I try not to think to much about the whole, 'You aren't getting rid of me that easily' because I was scared shit-less of how it made me feel. I knew it made me feel warm, and shocked, but then there were more complicated feelings inside me. Like uneasiness, and pride.

I had no idea how to handle these.

So I didn't, not until I had Sherlock on speed dial.

Nan, who was ecstatic to hear about Jack's grandmothers invitation, had certainly gone all out for this evenings event. She wore a pair of black, nice fitting slacks, with a cute purple blouse tucked into it. The buttons were all done up, until I came by and teased her about being a Nun. Then when she popped one or two, I whistled appreciatively, whilst cooing, 'Gonna have a hard time keeping the horny devils off you.'

She really couldn't win with me.

Her similar green eyes, darker than mine, glowed with excitement as they were lined with mascara and a heavy eye shadow that somehow worked. Every time I tried to do a heavy eye shadow like hers, I ended up looking like Godzilla. Her brown hair was in a smooth, sleek bun at the nape of her neck, with not one loose hair out of place. She had a light blush on and a burgundy lipstick, which tied well with everything else. And finally she had borrowed -stole- my flats, that had a little bow at the top.

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