The Halloween EDITION -laughs manically-

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Prepare to have your mind blown. - By Me. 


* If you haven't read the PREVIOUS chapter, which is explaining most of the Halloween stuff in this one, you'll have to go back and read it :3 If not Enjoy! 

Heck We Are Young.

The Halloween EDITION.

Once upon a time, lived a gorgeous Princess. But this Princess was unlike any others, with hair as dark blue as night and eyes as green as an emerald, she ruled her land with sarcasm and attitude. The night of Halloween called and her fate was twined, an unplanned meeting with a Handsome King and their story began to unwind.

This King was full of twisted happiness, and found this Princess to be mesmerizing. Captivated by her prescence, he came for her, knocking upon her castles door with intentions true and clear. This King wanted a Queen, with beautiful blue hair.

With vampires, ghost and other frightening creates watching at the pair proceed to become, the night of October 31st had begun. 

The wind will be eerie, as the fog will fall.

Friendships will be tested, and one will triumph above all.

The Handsome King and the gorgeous Princess would embark on a journey.

Far too big to describe but on this adventure, they would start learning,

Why they must work together, to survive. 

So enjoy this story, grab your pillow with all your might.

Because this Halloween, is going to be a very special night.

- 9:15 am October 31st-

I awoke up to Jack's loud voice singing Ava Maria, terribly but even though it hurt my ears and he was disturbing my beauty sleep, I couldn't stop the wide grin and giggle leaving my mouth. I jumped out of bed, pulling on some tracksuits and walked into the Kitchen.

There he was, hands out into the air like he was delivering a message to the gods and his voice was cracking at every single chord of 'Ava Maria'. Nan watched him, laughing like a crazy woman and Toby just shook his head.

"It is good to know that you aren't good at everything ass." I pushed past him, barging his shoulder lightly and he jumped, stopping his mock of the song, giving me a dazzling grin, "Juliet, leave the dirty talk to the bedroom. I doubt your Nan wants to know how much you want my ass." 

I snorted at his words, shaking my head and kissed Nan on the cheek happily while Toby cooked pancakes, in the shape of ghosts and coffins. Jack and I had purchased the metal shapers yesterday, and practically begged Toby to use them.

Apparently Jack and I made a very pesuasive and strong team.

Huh, who knew?

I then grabbed a drink of orange juice, and turned to Jack as he beamed, "Happy Halloweeny!" I couldn't help it, I placed the drink down and screamed with happiness, "It's Halloween!"

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