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*Willows POV*

I can't remember anything. I feel so vulnerable and so utterly helpless. I have no recollection of what had happened to me this evening. Thank The Lord that this guy saved me. I look up into his eyes. They are filled with worry and concern.  

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks with a anxious look on his face.  

I suddenly think of Mum and my foolish decision to leave her. What the fuck possessed me to do it? Was I crazy? I have nowhere else to go now. Nowhere. I can't stay in this guys house forever..much as I would like too. My heart is pulling me in two different directions. First, to go back to Mum. Second to carry on my journey. Aghr. I think of Mums feelings right now and I feel so selfish. My eyes are beginning to prick with tears of guilt and shame and they are beginning to fill up. I bite my lip until I taste blood but I can't stop the tears which spill out onto my cheeks and roll down my face. I put my bury my face in my hands and let my hair cascade forwards so the stranger cannot see that I'm crying. I try not to let my shoulders heave but I can't help it. I begin to sob, rocking backwards and forwards, what have you done Willow? Just what have you done?  

And arm slides around my shoulders turning my body around. I open my eyes to see a pair of brown eyes looking closely at mine. A pair of kind eyes, genuine and truthful.  

"Believe me when I say this" he begins  

"Everything is going to be okay. I promise. We'll get through this ok. But could you explain to me what's happened so I can help you? You can trust me, and you look like you need a good friend. Lets start things off, I'm Danny O'Donoghue." 

My head flips up suddenly. I still haven't actually looked at the stranger properly. I then realise the familiar face in front of me. It really is him, it really is... 

"The Script?" I question slowly. They are like a world famous band! He can't have rescued me... He is, he is... 

"Danny O'Donoghue, lead singer of The Script." He replies proudly.



Hey people of the universe! How are you all? Firstly I'm so sorrryyyy for the shortest chapter ever, I wanted to do a daily update but didn't have much time so sorry about that! What did you guys think of the chapter and what do you think should happen? A special thanks to @aWanderer fo believing in me and commenting on my story, it really motivated me tysm! 

Please vote/comment please please please please please! 

Love you all xx

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