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*Danny's POV*

Her mouth fell open when I introduced myself. An hour of fangirling here I come, I sigh to myself wearily. Why can't people just treat me like a normal guy? But I was wrong. She didn't fangirl like I expected. Her mouth closed and she smiled. Her smile radiantly lit up her face which plastered a smile onto my face as well as hers. Her smile is seriously contagious, I think to myself. And darn right hot, I add.

"I can't believe you just saved my life." She begins. "I mean... I seriously can't thank you enough."

I laugh at her cuteness.

"You were in help so I gave you it. No need to thank me, it's fine. Anyway you still haven't introduced yourself. What is your name?"

Her ocean eyes are beginning to melt my heart, the way she looks so intently

at me makes my knees go weak.Dan.shut.up. Its like having an internal battle inside of my head and hearing a nagging little voice at the back of my mind which brings me back to reality.

"Willow." She replies with a giggle. "My name is Willow."

Why does everything about her have to be so beautiful and perfect.

"Nice name,"I wink.

"Thanks." She says coyly. Her pearly teeth smiling at me shyly.

I realise her clothes are still wet and I mentally smack myself. Why didn't I give her anything sooner?

"You still look soaked," I say to her. "Do you want a shower or something?"

"If that's alright with you.." She replies hopefully.

"Yeah that's fine, it's the second door on the right, call if you need anything."

"Thanks Danny." She says gracefully, swinging her legs onto the floor. I watch her as she walks out of the room. Her skinny hips sway from side to side she leaves the room. She is so small and perfect, such a nice figure, I think wistfully. As soon as she's left the room, I smack myself on the head. Pull yourself together mate! I say out loud to myself. You can't just go around falling in love with every hot girl you see!

I get up and put the kettle on, getting two mugs out. I'm desperate for a cuppa and I'm sure Willow would be too, she needs something to warm her little body up.


I had just finished putting the two cups of tea on a tray complete with a couple of biscuits on the side when I hear someone enter the room. I turn round and it was Willow.

"Hey," She says.

"Oh hey" I reply. She was wearing her PJ trousers adorned with Hello kitty motifs and they were tucked into her fluffy socks. On top she wore a grey vest with a lace trimming and a washed out zip up over the top. Damn she was just so cute.

"You alright?" I check.

"Yeah I'm perfect. Thanks so much for everything Dan you are really so kind."

"Aw it's fine," I laugh. "Stop being so cute." I add. She giggles, red blush tainting her powderpuff cheeks.

I bring the tray of tea carefully to the table and we both sit down.

"Mmm.. I love tea."

"Me too," I say.

We sip our tea in silence and I carefully watch her face. Her ocean orbs glisten in the warm glow of lamp light and her cheeks are rosy and healthy.

"So..." Willow begins. "How long can I stay here? I mean I can't just barge into your house and insist to stay for a few weeks... That's just unfair. I feel so rude... I mean I don't even know you, and you obviously feel pressurised to look after me because I have no where else to go."

"No no. Honestly you're not being rude at all. I could do with a little flatmate, I get so lonely by myself." I wink at her causing her to smile and laugh at me. "You can stay here for as long as you need too."

"Really?" She breathes.

"Really" I assure her.

Willow gets up from her seat and walks around the table to my seat. She looks down at me, I feel a sudden urge to pull her onto my lap and kiss her rosy lips. But she pulls me from off my seat and gives me a warm hug. I lift her off the floor and she laughs into my ear causing goosebumps to run up my arms down my neck. We pull away and I smile at her. "You know what?" I tell her.

"What?" She asks curiously.

"I think we'll get along fine. Just fine" I then pull her off her feet and spin her round and round until we are both breathless from laughter and brighteyed with hope.


Heyyyyyyy! So how's everyone? Thanks for everyone who's reading this story!! I'm firstly so sorry for the slow update, I have been revising all this week for my yr 11 mocks which are next week which I am shit scared for omggggg don't even go there. I have only literally started to revise and I have got so much to do! I had to give you guys an update though or it wouldn't be fair. PANICKING SO MUCH FOR NEXT WEEK! Shut up Rose you'll be fine. BUT I WON'T BE IM GONNA FAIL EVERYTHING. I have been listening to The Script like all the time at the moment to get my mind off it, it's seriously the only thing which brings my mind off it all! Omg did you guys see Danny's selfies on twitter? They are soooo cute, his hair is so perf omg I just wanna plait it hahahaha. Anyways please please please vote and I will love you forever. Comment on where you think I should go next?

Love you all


Rose xx

Exit Wounds | The Scriptजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें