Chapter 29

611 29 17

Song above is "Don't look down off of Austin & Ally!!!" I can't believe that show ended though I still watch reruns. Listen to it while reading this chapter

~Elizabeth's pov~

They said Liam can go home today and I'm happy.

Of course he made me go eat and shower I didn't want to leave him but he insist.

We were in my car heading to Liam's house Liam's family came and lefted before he got up.

"I saw your girlfriend naked" Asher blurted out "what!" Liam yelled making me stop the car fast Asher hit his head on my seat.

"Ouch!" Asher yelled "FYI I was in my bra and underwear and that was two weeks ago when I was rushing to go to the hospital for Liam" I said Liam let a breath out "good" he said

"Still saw her naked before you" Asher mumbled Liam smacked the back of Asher's head.

"Ouch still got your gorilla strength even after being in the hospital for that long" Liam said I glanced at the rear view mirror then back at the road.

"I'm pretty sure that's not chocolate ash" I said he stopped in mid bite "you tricking me?" He asked "no cause chocolate would have already melted" I said he throws it at the back of Liam's head.

"You BETCH!" Liam yelled throwing it back at him. "Hey it was chocolate" Asher exclaimed.

"I'm afraid to ask how you know that" I said cringing in disgust "he chucked at me and it went in my mouth" he said chuckling.

"Your sick Williams" I stated Ash just smiled at me


"Auntie em it's a twister it's a twister"Asher yelled in a girly voice.

Ash was watching 'Wizard of oz' while I got Liam settled on my couch "Asher give it a break you'll never be Dorothy" Liam said.

Ash moved the drink he brought in for Liam farther away from him when Liam tried reaching for it.

"ASHER!" Liam yelled "who's this Asher im Salsa King" he said I smacked my forehead giving Liam his drink.

"Thanks babe" he said kissing my forehead "anytime princess" I said plopping beside Asher while Liam passed out.

"HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDDEEE!!" Jace sung badly bursting threw the door with Sarah behind him, Liam jumped falling off the couch.

"Haha that's what you get for not calling me salsa King" Ash said pointing at Liam as he rubbed his head, I smacked Ash in the back of the head.

"Haha karma for pointing" Liam said I rolled my eyes at these two.

"Carson and Amelia in the house" Carsons voice boomed from the front door Amelia was holding a unicorn that had 'Asher' on the side of it.

Asher walked over hugging Amelia she handed him the unicorn as he pulled out a picture necklace of them.

When did they have time to take a picture?

"When you were a zombie in the hospital" Asher answered I jumped "I said that out loud didn't I" I said he nodded.

Pulling Amelia to sit on his lap, "hey why don't you sit on my lap like Amelia sits on Asher's?" Liam asked "cause your crippled" I told him "don't-" Asher started as I stuffed popcorn in my face.

"Don't what?" I asked chewing "that came from my pants" when he said that I spit the popcorn all over his face.

"Knew that would happen" he said rubbing the popcorn off his face.

I stand up rushing to the bathroom grabbing my mouth wash and I don't think I'm suppose to fill my mouth up with it but I need to make sure my mouth is clean.

I walk back downstairs gargling the last of the mouth wash in the bottle spitting it on Asher's bag,Yeah Karma is a bitch.

I walked in the front room as everyone else stops talking and looks at me.

"What were you talking about?" I asked looking at them suspiciously "nothing haha why would we be talking about something haha" Amelia said nervously but Asher put a hand over her mouth.

"Sometimes it's better to not say anything at all" Carson told her she jumped towards him making him step back but Asher caught her.

"Come on don't waste your time on Timmy turner" he told Amelia as they walked out of the house into Asher's truck going off.

"Did Asher just call me Timmy turner?" Carson asked looking at us weirdly.

"I'm afraid he did SpongeBob"


Liam came home after two weeks?

Why did his parents and brothers leave before he woke up what are they planning?

Asher gave Amelia a necklace aww and she gave him a unicorn with Asher's name shaved in the unicorns fake fur.

Ash called Carson 'Timmy Turner' lol.

Well tune into next time


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