Chapter 13

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"Round and a round and a round and a round we go"

Shout out to Eb209400 and daritza_loves_soccer

Make sure to like and comment at the end I will pick two or one person in one of my future chapters!!!

~Elizabeth's pov~

I was sitting at the cliff thinking for an hour I jumped at the sound of someone panting I turned to see Jace.

"Oh my gosh Jace are you okay?" I asked helping him sit down.

"I" he huffed "ran here" he breathed out the rest "why?" I asked "I heard something between you and Carson happened and you ran out I knew you would be here" he told me.

I looked at him confused "I found this place for you dummy" he told me "can I push you off this cliffed?" I asked him putting my hands on his back.

"What? No!" He told me "aw" I said in a sad tone "man oh man" I said snapping my figures sitting beside him.

"I worry about you sometimes" he told me "yeah I can say the same for you too" I said he laughed "I'd admit we are crazy but that's who we are" he told me.

"Please no speech like Uncle Jay does" I said face-palming myself.

He laughed "as much as I would love to see him torcher you with his speeches I won't sugar code it and I know I will sound like a girl when I say this but here we go" he said hesitantly.

"Follow you heart" he cringed while saying that I laughed "thanks for the concern but I think I got this" I told him he looked at me weird.

"Really?" He asked "yes this isn't my first rodeo" I told him "have you ever been to a rodeo anyway?" He asked me "no" I told him.

"We will go one of these days" he told me I nodded "are there horsies?" I asked excitingly "uh yeah I guess" he told me I nodded excitingly.

"Good let's go" I told him as he standing up handing me his hand I gladly take it getting up dusting my blue jean shorts off.

"Where?" He asked " My business isn't your business,Unless you're my thong, don't be up my ass" I told him, he raise his hands up in defense.

As I motion him to come we got in my car and I drove off.


"The beach?" He asked "yes we are making the beach our new bitch" I told him clapping my hands he shook his head laughing.

"Okay so what you wanna go do?" He asked "shopping for bathing suits" I told him he groaned as I dragged him there I grabbed a black bikini as he grabbed black swimming trunks.

"Are you two a couple?" The girl our age asked as we payed for our stuff "M-" Jace smacked his hand over my mouth.

"No we are siblings" he told her as he winked at her she smiled at him I couldn't hold it I laughed at there attempt to flirt.

"What?" They both asked "you both suck at flirting just slip him your number already cause we have a full half day ahead" I told them she laughed handing him her phone as he typed his number in.

"Bye I'm Jace Johnson" he said "I'm Sarah Jones" she told him smiling "and I'm Elizabeth Johnson let's go Jace" I said dragging him out.

We went to the changing rooms as he went to one I went to the other.


"Well the beach is definitely our new bitch" Jace said I laughed nodding.

"I'm always right?" I told him as we slipped into my car "no. No your not always right" he said "says the one who pee's with the door cracked open thinking nobody knows your un dieing love for one direction" I said pulling out of the beach parking lot.

"I don't" he said "uhmm sure your the one who has there songs on there play list" I told him he shook his head.

"For Lizzy" he said bluntly "Lizzy is never around so don't blame it on your ex-girlfriend now" I told him glancing at him.

"Admit your undenining love for one direction"


Jace likes one direction

Any one direction fans out there?

There might be some cliffhangers in the future!!!

Till next time


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