Chapter 3

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Carson Amber-Wood above (A.N) Elizabeth is the cover of this book. Anyways hope you enjoy Thank you readers!

"Hello Princesa"

~Elizabeth's pov~

"You" I said through gritted teeth he chuckled "the one and only" he said gesturing to his body.

I growled "get out Spencer" I demanded let me tell ya a little secret.

I had a boyfriend once his name was Spencer he cheated on me with my best friend ever, no not Carson but our other ex best friend the girl I spilt spaghetti on earlier her name is Ashlin.

"Remember what I said" he told me smirking "I promise I will have you one day princesa" he said.

"Burn in hell Spence" I growled yanking him by the arm pulling him down stairs just as I was about yo open the door I was pushed against the wall.

"Princesa you can't hide forever" he whispered smirking "help! Help me! hel-" I was cut off when he smacked my mouth shut I whimpered when he raised his hand to me but only the front door to be yanked open and Spencer is against the wall.

Someone was holding him by his shirt collar I look to see Liam to my surprise.

"Never lay a hand on a woman" he hissed punching Spencer in the nose as It cracked well someone needs a Nicki Manji nose job.

Liam throws Spencer out "stay out I'm not a person you mess with" he yelled as Spencer scurried away.

Liam turned to me and Scoffed "Bipolar much?" I asked "you need to be more careful" he said anger in his voice.

"I'm always careful" I protested "he almost hit you" he said harshly "but he didn't" I told him.

"He could've if I wasn't in the neighborhood heading to a party" he said signing.

"Sorry" I mumbled as he opened the door "night" he whispered shutting the door behind him.

"Night" I whisper back locking the doors and windows heading up to my room falling fast asleep thinking about him



Beep. Beep. Beep.

I smacked my alarm yawning as I started humming a song that popped up in my head……

'Can't keep my hands to myself' as I took a shower changing into washed colored blue jean shorts with a black shirt, I straightened my golden brown hair doing my makeup lightly pulling black sandals on I have red polish on my toes.

I grabbed my phone, bag, and keys heading out driving to Carson's house picking him up.

I see him sitting out side in blue jeans and a black long shirt that rolled up to his elbows as he had his hair perfect as always if it isn't he is in a bad mood.

He glanced up putting his phone in his pocket opening the car door getting in he smiled at me.

"Took you long enough you do know we only have ten minutes to get to class right?" He asked smirking I checked my phone he was right so I stepped on it and we got there in three minutes.

I turned the car off dragging Carson down the hallway stuffing my phone in my back pocket opening the door.

"Just in time Mr. Amber-Wood and Miss. Johnson" she snarled yeah our teacher doesn't like me and Carson very much we use to always spit ball her until she sent us to the office and got suspended for a week.

Talk about petty we should have had detention that's why I hate her so much. "Well as much as we hate you and your class we have to come" I told her in a sick sweetly tone.

Carson was having a hard time trying not to laugh "just take your seats" she said huffing Carson sat in his usual seat next to mine he smirked at me patting my back.

I looked at him weird then he glanced at the teacher "oh thanks" I told him turning around in my seat zoning off from her teaching.


Its lunch and I'm doing my happy dance beside Carson in line as he smirks.

"Go Eliza go Eliza!" Carson cheered softly yeah Beth and Eliza is his nickname's for me other than shorty.

"Would you mine hurrying" I turned to the annoyed voice to see our ex best friend.

"No can do we are having a small party about our friendship and your not involved" Carson told her pulling me by my forearm scooting up in line.

We grabbed our lunches payed for them sitting down as we started eating.

"So your plans work?" I asked he smirked nodding "sicko! You need to stop these one night stands" I told him he chuckled "never gonna happen shorty" he said poking my cheek

"Yeah yeah say that now but once a girl stands you up you'll fall for her like in every book" I told him "even ditch me your best friend" I pouted at that one.

"Aw no one can replace you my annoying chipmunk cool best friend" he said then yanking my hair.

"Ow!" I yelled "yagga" he exclaimed I scowled at him yanking his hair as hard as he did mine "hey no fair you have a man grip!" He yelled "FYI I'm not a chipmunk" I told him.

He smirked "so you say your annoying?" He asked I glared at him "So your awesome" he said in a little high pitch I smiled.

"Carson!" We heard a loud screech "shit" he mumbled I looked up to see a red head he looked at me begging to get her away I smirked.

"Hello" I said "hi" she said waving sitting beside Carson he ignored her.

"Babe" she said rubbing his back I stiff led a laugh as he tensed he looked at me and mouthed 'help'.

"He is shy right now I will leave you at it" I told her she smiled at me as I took my tray and dumped it I glanced at Carson to see him glaring and when I caught his attention he flicked me off I just mouthed 'no thanks' walking off to my next class but then I froze in my spot.

"Oh Princesa"


Cliffhanger again I know 'really Whyyyy?'

I just love the suspense I literally have five chapters finished but I'm posting two a day.

Till next time


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