Chapter 15

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Shout out to Rubi_1972 your an awesome reader thank you for reading and commenting!

~Elizabeth's pov~

Liam picked me up he put a blind fold on me and was still driving right now.

"We there yet?" I asked "no" he said "are we there yet?" I asked again "yes" he said "really?" I asked "no" he told me.

"This drives me crazy not knowinh and you know that" I told him as he laughed just as the car came to a halt my head hit the dash board.

"Aw you Asswagon!" I yelled as he laughed getting out I heard my door open as he unbuckled my seat health helping me out.

"Swear you make me run into something imma slap you" I warned him "I won't" he told me leading me somewhere.

He stopped making my bump into "Liam!" I said he shushed me as he took the blind fold off to see a baby deer waddling towards us.

I bent down as it hesitantly walked up to me "I'm gonna call you Bambi" I told him as I rubbed the side of his face.

He was a cute little deer "you don't know how adorable you are" I squealed as I stood up he walked over to Liam as he petted him.

He stood up dusting himself off "come on my little Bambi" he said holding his hand for me "okay Princess" I told him he signed.

"You'll never give up" he told me "why should I princess is a good nickname for you" I told him he shook his head in disbelief as we walked further into the woods as there was a picnic with a candle stick

"Shocked that candle hasn't burn anything yet" I mumbled "yea me too" he told me I laughed as we sat down.

"Milady" he said trying to mimic my British accent "see you suck at it" I told him.

"I know my Bambi" he said handing me a plate that had two pieces of pizza and chocolate covered strawberries.

"Oh shit its getting high school musical up in here" I said whooping "anything you can count on me" he sung really good.

"See why didn't you volunteer to sing with me?" I asked he looked at me "cause Carson beat me to it, he knew I know how to sing cause I had a dare from my older brother to sing to my little brother and Carson happened to be there" he told me I nodded.

"Okay I got a joke wanna hear?" I asked him, he nodded "a guy walked into a bar......OUCH!" I told him he didn't get it at first, few minutes later he was laughing.

"I get it" he said sobbering up "yeah" I told him smirking as we finished eating "wanna play twister?" I asked pulling it out of my bag.

"Do you carry it everywhere?" He asked "hell yeah I don't want to be bored you know" I told him he chuckled.


"Dammit why'd I agree to this game!" Liam howled in pain yeah he was in mid split form I was soar too.

I spinned it with my free hand "Left foot blue" I said "Elizabeth if I go down any farther I feel like my balls will break off" he told me.

"What balls" I said stifling a laugh "you wanna see?" He asked wiggling his eye brows "no ya nasty" I told him as he laughed falling down.

"Haha bitch I won!" I yelled at him getting up doing my happy dance "now hand the money over" I demanded holding my hand out.

Yea we had a bet twenty dollars on the line winner gets it loser gives it the loser also has to pick up after.

"Get a cleaning" I told him waving my hands sitting in the car.

Two text messages:

Carson ∞: hey you free tomorrow?

Jace♪: Hey its asswagon here tomorrow we are going to the rodeo.

I texted Jace back.

Can Carson come?

I put my phone up just as Liam came handing me my twister game.

I shut my door waiting for him to climb in and shut his door I felt my phone vibrate as I looked.

Jace♪: Yes.

I squealed texting Carson while smiling like a dummy.

Hey Carson I do but your coming along be at my house at one tomorrow.

I put my phone in my back pocket signing looking outside the window as Liam turned the radio on.

"Is this the real life. Is this just fantasy"


Not the perfect date but its the thought that counts its not the money you spend its the thought you put in it and thats what Liam did.

Will Elizabeth be the next Hannah Montana choosing between two guys?

Who knows? Well I do 😂😂

Tune in till next time


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