Chapter 12

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"Thank you Seattle!"

~Elizabeth's pov~

Its lunch time and I've been getting high fives or I get random people coming up to me saying 'Congratulation'.

I was on my way to the lunch room when I got stopped by the devil herself.

I don't know her name anyway so "Elizabeth I came to tell you that to stay away from Liam and Carson there both mine!" She growled.

"Hold the fuck up did you just tell me to stay away from my two friends I think the hell not is it Brittany yeah you look like a Brittany" I told her.

She gasped "you! You stay away or else" she tries threatening. What the hell is or else

"or else what?" I asked "it" she stated "you make no sense little girl" I told her "I'm older" she said like a little kid.

"Hmm sure but I don't have time to listen to thot's so if you excuse me" I told her but her two minions stood in the way.

"Move cause I don't want slut germs" I told them they gasped "that's it!" Brittany yelled yanking me around smacking my face as hard as she can but it just felt like a butterfly landing on your face.

I punched her as her nose cracked and started to bleed "bye bitch" I waved walking away like a legit boss.

I walked in to see Carson and Liam in a heated argument.

"Guys!" I yelled they turned "Elizabeth are you okay?" Liam asked pulling me in a hug I shook my head.

"I just punched a barbie I called her Brittany cause she looks like Brittany bitch" I told them as Liam stiffled his laugh.

But he couldn't hold it in as his chest vibrated as he broke into laughter's while still holding me.

I started to laugh too as I pulled away from Liam I turned and looked at Carson who is angry.

I turn back to Liam as he smashes his lips on mine, I was shocked but kissed him back as he smirked at my response.

We pulled back "Elizabeth I like you" he said smiling as I smiled "so what's your ideal date?" He asked.

"Are you asking me out?" I asked him he smirked "I guess I am. So Elizabeth Johnson go out with me?" He asked.

"Is barney blue and is Jace weird?" I asked he stood back looking at me weird I laughed " will there be food?" I asked he nodded "then sure I'll go" I told him as he hugged me.

I turned to tell Carson the happy news as he pushed this nerd guy out of the way leaving the cafeteria.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Liam "don't you ever wonder that he might like you too just like me?" He asked then I think back to early.

"Oh shit it made him mad but I only like him as a best friend I never thought of him as more" I told him.

He just nodded as I texted Carson.

"Meet me at the spot"

I ate my lunch real quick and said good bye to Liam walking to where Carson and I first met and that became our spot the schools balcony.


I saw him looking over the balcony at some cheerleaders.

"You know I remember how you always and still do trip the cheerleaders when they run by and you always have some lame comebacks" he told me as I leaned against the door.

He turned around I looked in his eyes I don't see the Carson I know this Carson is a different part of him.

"This isn't the Carson I know" I told him "yeah cause that was lay back, awesome, hot-" "okay let's not get to far" I told him trying to lighten up the mood but it didn't.

"Look Carson I only like you as a best friend cause I only looked at you as a best friend and an older brother" I told him signing.

"Elizabeth  I need some time to myself and to get use to me just being your best friend" he said walking past me.

"I'm sorry I cant change my feelings!" I yelled to him I slumped to the floor.

I need to get away for a while to breath.

I got up walked to my car driving off to the only place that will cool me down. The Cliff.

Hey! That sounds like a movie haha, check me out in 'The Cliff' in 2018 coming soon ha kidding kidding, just as I sung a verse from 'Stay by rhianna'

"Round and a round and a round and a round we go"


Oh no did Elizabeth lose her best friend!!!

Will she have to choose between Carson or Liam?

Is her friendship on the line if she dates Liam or not?

Tune in till next time


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