Chapter 25

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(Loki's PoV)

We had been an open field type area, and the once thriving field was now a desolate waste land. Well at least this one area we had found was deprived of the same life that was in the other areas. We walked around this area until Thor spotted something far off into the distance. It was Diana, as we got closer that feeling we got right before the blast had came back. When we got closer we could see the dark spirals on her arms where still there but it wasn't nearly as far up as it had been before the blast. It looked like she was hurt more than Thor and I combined. We all wanted to get closer but we weren't sure if another blast would go off but I didn't think she had the energy to do it so I walked toward her slowly. I noticed the one known as Hawkeye took a step forward but Thor had stopped him. I shook Diana gently but she wouldn't get up. I noticed the worry in Thor's eyes but what's worse is that I think he might have seen the worry in mine. I could tell the metal man had seen it too but I didn't know how he reacted sense he was hidden by that mask of his. I shook her a little more until her eyes struggled to stay open. Her eyes had returned to their original light blue state, and the dark spirals where now gone. Everyone took a sigh of relief at this and only then did Diana notice that Thor and I weren't the only ones there.

"Diana are you alright?" I asked.

"I think so," she said as she barely managed to stand up. Everyone starred at her, but no one wanted to say anything. None of them wanted to upset her more than she already had been. Thor was about to talk and I noticed Diana cringed as he started talking, in fear of what he was going to say.

"We should get back to the palace, once we are there Loki and I will take Diana into the healing room," Thor said. To everyone's surprise Diana didn't object. Thor could tell that she was worried about going back to Midgard.

"And we won't head back to Midgard, for now," Thor said as they all started to walk away. Diana let out a quiet sigh of relief at what Thor had said, and no one else said anything else to her. A few of the Avengers had short conversations with each other but whenever someone tried to include Diana she'd just ignore it. She wouldn't make eye contact with me at all, and I wasn't sure why. Diana said she was ok for the most part but we had to slow our pace to make sure she could actually keep up.

(Tony's PoV)

I had been really worried after finding Diana, it looked like she had taken a worse blow than Thor and Loki. What's even weirder is that when Diana didn't wake up the first time Loki actually seemed...worried. I thought he was just a heartless monster with no feelings. I'm also really glad I had the mask hiding my face so he couldn't see my shocked expression when he looked worried. Every now and then Diana would have to stop and rest but no one really minded. I was just glad she was safe, and so did everyone else. I was also happy that Thor decided to split us up when looking only because he knew us traveling with Loki wouldn't have been the best idea. I talked to Bruce about a few random things trying to make the time go by faster, and it helped but not a lot. After what felt like a year we had finally made it back to the palace.

(Diana's PoV)

We had finally made it back to the palace and Loki, Thor, and I where rushed off to the healing room. Thor most of said something to all of the healers because none of them questioned how we all got so banged up. We all spent a few hours in the healing room and I didn't make eye contact with Loki or Thor the whole time. I could have killed one of them, I think I nearly did but I wasn't sure. If I did there's no way they would tell me, that would only make things worse. Every time I would hear footsteps in the hallway I would cringe, afraid that it would be Odin. But every time, it wasn't Odin. The healers didn't really help with the pain that I had there. Some of it had gone but most of it was still there. At some points it even hurt to breath. I could tell that the healers where a little nervous about helping Loki, but when they helped me I could sense their fear. They knew it was my fault this had happened. The healers had left the room as Frigga walked in. I could tell she was happy to see that Thor and Loki were alright. Her gaze met mine and she could see I was in far worse condition than her sons where which surprised her. She talked to Thor for a while, and then she talked to Loki while I just sat there starring at my hands. My mind constantly replayed the memory of what happened. I tried to stop thinking about it but I couldn't. I barely noticed when Frigga left the room, the only reason I did was because I could hear the incredibly faint voice of Odin talking to Frigga. I ignored the faint voices and then I continued to think about what I had done. I grew upset after thinking about it but I quickly tried to calm myself down. I didn't want the darkness to show ever again, but I knew it would have to.

'I just need to calm down. If I don't think about it, then it won't happen. Just calm down,' I thought to myself even though it didn't help at all. I thought about how the pain felt when it happened. It felt like I was being attacked from the inside out. Like as if I was breaking down inside and I was slowly breaking down on the outside. I tried to stop thinking about out but I couldn't. I tried so hard but it was useless to try and stop it. As I continued to think the memory was cut short by the sounding of the door opened. My back was to the door but before I could see who it was I heard their voice.

"Thor I need to speak with you, in private," I heard Odin say. I noticed Loki wouldn't look at Odin or even glance at him. I stiffened in fear Odin would say anything, and Loki noticed this. I heard the door close and I turned to see both of them where gone. I was really glad Odin hadn't said anything about what happened, but my happiness faded in my mind.

(Loki's PoV)

When Odin walked him I wouldn't look at him and I noticed that Diana wouldn't either. After Odin left Diana looked back at the door, then just turned back around. I thought the rest of the night would be in complete silence until Diana actually spoke.

"So, how bad did it hurt?" she asked. It took me a moment to process what she had just asked me. This was the first time she had spoken to me, or anyone at all in well over three hours. I wasn't sure how to answer her, I wasn't sure how bad it really was. The healers didn't say anything about it because Thor had said something to them, and even if he didn't they probably wouldn't have talked to me anyway.

"It wasn't that bad," I said trying to make her feel better.

"Don't lie to me, I saw the fear on your face when it happened. I know it was worse than that," she said in a pain filled tone. I could tell just trying to talk brought her pain. Now I understood what Thor had meant when he said she could hurt others and herself.

"Diana Thor and I will be fine, the more important question is if you are ok. The pain you felt was much greater than Thor's and mine combined. You can deny it but I saw the way everyone reacted when we found you. They do care about you," I told her as I stood up and walked over to her.

"It doesn't change the fact that I'm dangerous and if I go back to Earth I'm just going to be locked up," she said in a somewhat angry, but also sad tone.

"Your not dangerous, you just need to learn to control it," I told her.

"Loki, you could have died, same with Thor. And if you did it would have been my fault. Don't you get it? Whenever I'm around someone their life is in danger, so you can't tell me I'm not dangerous," she said. She wanted to say more but she stopped herself to take a breath. I went to say something but I heard a knock on the door.

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