Chapter Thirty: Gotta go to Work

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3 weeks later
Walking out the restaurant we were immediately blinded by a crowd of paparazzi. I thought the press woulda been off us by now but they haven't let up yet. I tried to take my baby out for a simple lunch date but one of the little waitress girls kept tryna flirt with me and our date got cut short since Toni wanted to make a big issue out of it. I honestly wasn't paying the girl no mind I was just tryna eat but you know Toni dramatic.

"Hello welcome to TopChart, my name is Tia and I'll be your server today." The young girl said staring down at her notepad carelessly.

"Uh yea lemme get the grilled panini with a half & half and baby what you want?" I said to Toni as the girl finally looked up and she looked at me shocked.

"Oh my god! Dr. Dre I love you I'm such a huge fan!" The girl exclaimed

"Thank you sweetheart." I said receiving a side eye from Toni

"And I'll just have the same thing as him with a side of sweet potato fries." Toni said as the girl completely ignored her still staring at me.

"Excuse me" Toni said loudly making the girl snap of out her daze and turning her attention to Toni

"Oh I'm sorry! What did you say you want again?" She asked

"I want the same thing MY MAN is getting just an add on fries that's all love. You can go now." Toni said as she placed her napkin in her lap dramatically with her left hand making sure she saw the ring on her finger.

Placing a phony smile on her face the girl left the table and I started laughing.

"You a mess yo."

"Who me? How?" She asked innocently making me roll my eyes

"You know you right handed you never do stuff like that with your left."

"Yea so." She responded carelessly as she played with her ring making me smile

Long story short by the end of the date, Tia had came back tryna be slick with her the top buttons on her shirt undone, standing all close to me and talking extra sweet and Toni was over it. So when Tia brought the check over she went to hand it to me but Toni grabbed it first.

Seeing her number written on the back of the receipt. Toni balled up the receipt tossing its at the girl's feet and got up leaving the table. I threw a couple bills down and went after her waking out the door behind her.

*End of flashback*

"What you doing out here Andre why you not with your little girlfriend?" She said with an attitude

"I know damn well she not mad at me." I thought to myself

"You getting on my nerves now get in the car so we can go." I said through gritted teeth as we stepped outside and I opened the door for her ignoring the paparazzi

"Don't tell me what to do." Toni said with an attitude while she smiled for the cameras and climbed in the car

"It wasn't even that serious. Why you trippin?"
I asked closing the door behind me

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