Chapter Twenty-one: Top Priority

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"Man shit! Ever since I told Toni I loved her we've been going at it non-stop. Not that I'm complaining but shit I'm tired y'all. I thought we was having a lot of sex before but now it's just like DAMN I love her lil ass." I admitted as inhaled the smoke from the blunt and passed it

"Maybe I need to tell her I love her then." Snoop interjected

"Nigga shut up." Suge said as I ignored him

"You know man love is a strong word. Females hear it and they go crazy in they minds. I remember when I told Kim I loved her she was pregnant by the end of the week." Cube said as he took a pull from the blunt

Toni's outfit in the mm*

"Excuse me miss you can't go back there right now he's with a few artist at the moment." Dre's assistant Alecia said

"I won't be back there long I'm just dropping off something." I said as I started to walk pass the front desk

"What makes you think you so special?" She asked making me stop dead in my tracks and turn around to face her.

"Like I said before he's with some artist right now. I know Dre doesn't like to be bothered when he's working so you're just going to have to sit and wait here like every other person until he's ready to see you."

"I just know this little girl isn't talking to me like that." I thought to myself as I removed my sunglasses and walked back over to the front desk.

"Don't you ever try and disrespect me like that again and treat as if I'm some regular bitch coming up in here. Cause I'm not, got it? Matter of fact start cleaning out your desk cause you're fired." I said as calmly as I could

"You can't fire me you're not my boss you're not even signed to this label." She responded making me chuckle

"Bitch. Did you forget that I'm the one who's fucking your 'beloved' boss every night? And trust me when I say every night I mean EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. I stated making her roll her eyes. "Not to mention that I'm the one who makes sure everyone in here including your disrespectful ass gets paid cause his high ass always forgets. I can do whatever I want when I want! So like I said before since I basically am your boss and sign off on your checks...Pack your shit and when I come back from seeing MY husband be at the door waiting or you'll be escorted out." I said as I walked away heated.



"Who the fuck bangin on the door like that?" Cube asked as we all looked in the direction of the door as the pounding continued.

"Man I thought you told Alecia to not let nobody back here?" Suge asked

"I did. Whoever got back here must be important" I responded as Snoop paused the music as the banging on the door started again


"I smell the smoke from under the door. I know one of you feins better let me in!" Toni yelled through the door

"Oh shit its the wifey!" Snoop said as he hopped up from his seat and put the blunt out

"Open a window let some of this smoke out and move all this stuff. Spray somethin in the air real quick, I don't like having all this shit around her." I said as she started banging on the door again

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