6 months later

13 0 0

Phil's POV:
Dan and I had been married for a few months when we decided it was time. We were at PlayList Live and all of our YouTube friends knew so all who were left were the viewers. Later that day, Dan and I had a "How well do you know your friend" quiz on the main stage and we had planned to announce it then. Pj would ask the question, Dan would answer truthfully. That's all there was to it.

From back stage, we could already hear the screams from the crowds. I gripped Dan's hand to reassure him. He smiled and me.
"You ready?" He asked. I nodded.

"Let's go."

We ran on stage, smiling, waving and greeting the audience.
"Heeeey Everyone!" Dan shouted. They screaming in reply. I briefly explained what was going to happen before introducing Pj to the stage. We greeted Pj and sat down on the stools.
"I think this is actually called the Newly Wed test but- eh, you know-" Dan smiled at me as the crowd went crazy, "- Lets call it the Friendship Test yayyy!" He continued, not looking away from my eyes.
We continued with the performance, answering questions about each other and throwing banter across the stage. The live stream rolled the whole time, so anyone at home could watch too. Then it came. The last question.

"Dan, what is Phil's full name?" Pj asked, we smiled at each other.
"Oh come on Peej, that's not fair. That's easy!" I grinned.
"Exactly." Dan said.
"TURN BOARDS" Pj yelled, we flipped over the wipe boards to reveal the message:

Philip Michael Howell

"Philip Michael Howell" Dan and I read simultaneously.

The crowd were quiet for a moment before erupting into a mass of fangirl feels and tears. Dan grabbed my face and pulled it toward him. We kissed passionately and my cheeks flushed. That wasn't part of the plan!
We ran off stage and Pj wrapped up the performance.

Phil Howell.

That's my name.

And it never sounded sweeter.

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