Chapter 26:

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B's POV:
I received texts all through the night from my best friend Rian. I didn't sleep. I didn't expect too. The voices were too much. I tried to drown them in YouTube, Sherlock, NCIS, tea, good music and other things I loved. I tried everything to shut out all the voices in my head. I even tried to start my music assignment. I started to get a basic idea of what I wanted to do and jotted some notes down on my computer before shutting everything off. Instead, I unlatched my window and swung my legs out and onto the roof. This was where I come when my anxiety or depression are really bad, or I just want to escape from everything. I could stare at the London skyline forever.
"I will never grow old of this view." I whispered to myself.  And it was then, I realised what I wanted to do.

Phil's POV:
At home, it was deadly silent. There's usually a buzz of a video game song or loud cursing from Dan when he looses. Tonight there was nothing. The silence filled my head and my heart. It weighed me down like lead.

I wandered into Dan's room to find his laptop, sitting open on his bed. I opened it further and had a brief look at his recent notifications. Various Twitter and Tumblr comments, favourites etc. I dismissed them without a second glance and set up Dan's camera and lights. I hit record before I could think twice. I spoke quietly but with confidence as adrenaline rushed through me.

"Hey Dan. I know you might never find this but I need you to know one thing..."

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