Chapter 20:

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Phil's POV:
"Oh my God." I whispered.
In front of me was my best friend lying still, wired to several scary, beeping machines. What have I done? It was my fault he was here. If I had just listened. I  walked over to his side and sat on the edge of the bed, holding his hand.
"Oh Danny. What have I done?" I said quietly.
"It wasn't your fault." A voice said from behind me. It was very quiet, but it still made me jump. B was still stood in the doorway, staring stock still at her brother. I'd almost forgotten she was there. She walked over and came and sat with me, her big brown eyes fixed on Dan. At that moment, a doctor walked in.
"Ah, yes. Phillip? Bailey?" He asked. B flinched at the use of her full name. I nodded.
"I have been given the task of breaking the news about Daniel." The Doctor began. "Look, I know this is going to be tough for you, but please try to understand." He said, looking from me to B.
"Please just tell us. It's killing me." B said, putting my thoughts into words. I nodded silently in agreement.
"Daniel has been put in a drug induced coma. If he wakes up in the next week there is a 76% chance his heart will fail. I know it will be hard without him, but he is safer this way until his heart heals completely."

His heart needed time to heal?

What about mine?

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