Chapter 11:

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Phil's POV:
Since Dan and Sophie became an "item", I had missed the boy I loved. He was always out and about; not being very Dan-like. I didn't think I wasn't heterosexual for a while. I mean, I had dated girls and had been attracted to girls etc but when I met Dan. My god. He was the game changer for me. After I met Dan, and had known him for a while, I realised how much my life has changed. For awhile, I didn't know how he felt about me. Probably just a friend. Nothing more. When he started dating Sophie, I knew he was as straight as a pole. It shut the door on a possible relationship. And I would just have to deal with that. It wasn't until I rang B, asking about how I should deal with Dan when she told me to hold on to the little hope I still had. She knew something I didn't. B wouldn't tell me what or why but all she said was.
"Hold on. Your waiting will be over soon. Hold on to your hope for Dan."
I wish she was right but I just can't see it happening anytime soon. They're in love.

I can't come between that.

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