Chapter 35: Dodie

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B's POV:
Over the span of 3 weeks, I had recorded and arranged the song. It was lonely work, even when people came to record. I saw Dodie the most. She came to record her part and then she would come and visit me every couple of days. She'd bring a pizza and massive bottles of water to "Keep you functioning" she said. Dodie would sit in my beanbag in the corner peacefully, occasionally leaning on my shoulders and hugging me from behind while I worked. Having someone so beautiful watching me was distracting from time to time, but I liked it. She was the first to hear the song.
"[last line of song]"
I looked up into Dodie's eyes. Her thick eyeliner outlined her now watering, brown eyes. Leaning on my shoulders, she whispered in my ears.
"It's beautiful." she said. I smiled bigger than I had since Dan's accident. When I was younger, Dodie was my musical inspiration. I watched all her videos when they were posted, I learnt her songs on piano, I even cut my hair like hers and got pretentious glasses like hers. The fact that she was one of my best friends and in a few months I would be moving in with her was still somewhat of a dream.

Dodie's POV:
B's stunning music piece made me cry. I had two lines in the song and the rest were of all Dan and Phil's closest friends. All I could do was hope.

Hope that this would work.


Something that has been lost in her eyes for a while.

A/N: Sorry for the short and frankly quite shit chapter, I had a ton of schoolwork the week and pressure has been cranked up to 100. I also have a creative writing piece called "Reflection" which it's taking all of my brain power. Once I've finished I might publish it on here but idk.

Stay Awkward ^_^

E x

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