Skatepark Paparazzi

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After I told Zephs about it I went straight home to get my skateboard. I grabbed a couple of bucks ' know, I might wanna get a drink somewhere along the road.

For some reason I don't feel that pissed anymore.

At least I'm not cussing in every sentence.

I grabbed my car keys and locked my house door and drove out. I drove to a random take-out café nearby and got a milkshake.

I like milkshakes.

Just then I received a text.

I took my phone outta my jeans pocket and checked it. Ugh stupid cracked screen.

Fuck Zephs.

Cool duuude: Hey Rainbows are u here yet ;)))

I prefer "lame fuck".

Why the hell did I even let him join.

Oh yeah. 'Cause he's so fucking lame I'd love to see his lame ass kicked.

Btw how did he get my number?

It's not like I put it up on the school's notice board for the public to see.

Anyway I rolled my eyes as I replied.

Captain Awesome: do u see me there

Cool duuude: Uhh no..?

I will give him five seconds to realise.

Oh..wait. But if u are not here where are u???

Oh god he's so fucking dumb.

I bet if I told him pigs grew wings yesterday he would believe it.

I sipped my milkshake and got into the car and zoomed off, heading for the skatepark.

I arrived at the carpark beside the skatepark. I stared straight ahead at the normal skatepark.

There were no paparazzi in sight. No cameras. No flashes. No journalists. Or reporters.

I blinked.

I'm hungry.


Where's the food?


Burgers? No?

Shut the fuck up.

I expected crazy fangirls crowding in a circle around the skatepark.

Surprisingly none of them were here.

Shrugging, I stepped out of my car and grabbed my milkshake and skateboard.

My skateboard had this splash paint design that I loved so much.

My dad bought it in the year he died.

I'm staring to feel like an emo so I just sucked it all up and skateboarded quickly to the entrance.

I spotted the group there and realised they were all waiting for me.

I'm late.

Well I had to buy my milkshake.

"Sup guys I'm finally here," I stated as I threw my empty milkshake cup into a nearby bin.

I turned back to the group and saw that Soarin bought Flashie and Thunders and...High Winds.

High Winds and Soarin had the same skateboard but in different colours.

Fucking coincidental much?

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