cнαpтer 25

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"Hey" I greeted as I pulled Zayn in for kiss- wouldn't be lying if I said I was glowing after yesterday whenever I got near Zayn my blood would start rushing and my head would feel all fuzzy. I would remember how tenderly Zayn touched me it would just make me go insane- because I wanted to feel that again. 

Experience it all again. 

Go further. 

"Li?" Zayn snapped. I broke out from my thoughts and pushed myself onto the desk opposite Zayn's, he walked forward and pressed himself against the desk in between my legs, "So what's going in that head of yours?"

"You" I replied with a cheeky grin. "...Naked"

"Naughty but I am not complaining, love" Zayn replied. He leaned backwards checking the lock on the door before he leaned back in, coming closer. I grinned and pulled on his tie, dragging him in as I pressed my lips against his. 

Zayn kissed back with the same amount of fierceness- tongue jumping in quickly. He sucked on my bottom lip softly before he grabbed the nape of my neck and deepened the kiss. It was slowly warming up - and the room was very quickly getting hot just as the air around me. My legs wrapped around Zayn's waist, pushing him closer to me. I couldn't get enough - it was all just desperately trying to get enough Zayn and his touch. 

Zayn pulled away before it could go any further because as much as we both wanted it- this wasn't the right place. 

"This just sucks" Zayn panted against my neck, head buried in the crook of my neck. 

"I know but we will get through right? I have only got one more year in high school" I said, biting my lip as Zayn pulled away and nodded. He took a step back so that I could get off the desk. 

"There is something I wanted to tell you" Zayn said. 

"Oh? What is it?"

"I got a letter, it was a few days ago. I got offered a place at Kingston University as an English lecturer" Zayn informed me with a grin. He ran a sly hand through his hair, slightly messing it up. He's eyes were glowing - sparkling even. 

"Really?" I asked. 

Zayn nodded swiftly. I stood frozen for a split second before I wrapped my arm around Zayn's shoulder and pulled him in hugging him tightly. I felt him chuckle against my ear as he hugged me back- his grip firm yet gentle. 

I leaned into him - almost melting.

"So...what's the plan, when are you going start?" I asked as I pulled away. 

"I don't know I am going to think about it. I just got the letter, Li" Zayn chuckled as he pulled away. I grinned at him just as the bell rang. 

"See you later?" I asked as I grabbed my bag. 

"Course" Zayn said before he grabbed my hand stopping me from going any further. I rolled my eyes and took a step towards him- letting him grab hold of my collar and kiss him quickly. Zayn smiled against my lips before he let go. 

I grinned and turned around. I didn't want to leave but I had to. Zayn had a class to teach next and I had a class to learn. 

Why can't thing be just simple and easy?



"You had sex!"

"It doesn't concern you"


"Liam!" I turned around, my eyes widening when I found Alex standing behind me. He walked over to me and pulled in for a hug. Last night, I didn't really get a chance to say bye to him neither did I know when I was going to see him again. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I pulled away. 

"I study here, babe" Alex laughed, "You just never noticed"

"Oh" I replied, running an quick hand through my hair. I bit my lip and gave Alex an ashamed look to which he just smiled. "Sorry"

"It's okay man!"

"Wait till Zayn finds out about this" I chuckled. 

"So I am guessing you two made up?" Alex asked. 

"Yeah...took us a bit of time but we got there in the end" I replied with a grin. 


I was about to reply when a cough interuppted me. I turned towards the cough and realized Harry was still here- probably beyond confused as to what was happening. He gave me a curious look - frowning as his eyesbrows creased together. 

"Enlighten me" He said. 

"This is Alex, the guy I left with yesterdat at the club" I replied, blushing slightly.

"Oh so this is him" Harry let out a short nod before he turned to Alex "If you try to make a move on him, I will kill you- he is very happy with his current boyfriend"


"What?" He asked. 

"It's fine Liam though I can't promise anything"

"Well then you're just asking for trouble, mister" Harry commented with a grin- Alex chuckling along with him.


Don't give me shit for this update...I am probably in the worst mood ever and you would know why if you guys saw Liam's tweet so yeah. 

So yeah. I am really sorry about this update. 


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I love you guys x

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